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1 Obdicut  Thu, Nov 4, 2010 7:51:50am

What the fuck:

A. The Christian conciliator shall respect the legitimate jurisdiction of civil authorities and shall cooperate with them as required by law, unless there is a clear scriptural reason to do otherwise (Acts 4:19; Rom. 13:1-7).

They're literally saying they'll intentionally obfuscate and obstruct justice if there's a 'clear scriptural reason' to do so.

2 theheat  Thu, Nov 4, 2010 7:56:02am

Color me surprised; another knuckle dragging piece of proposed fundie shit legislation from the land of Texastan.

Last I checked, Texas boasted the highest illiteracy rate of the nation. Doubling up on the stupid, they're also leading the charge in rejecting science and history in a concerted effort to drag its citizens into universal idiocy.

Dumb as dirt, wearing cowboy boots, and carrying bible. What a future, bless their little hearts. I hope the enlightened Texans can either turn this around, or get out with their sanity intact.

3 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Tears  Thu, Nov 4, 2010 8:22:13am

re: #2 theheat

Color me surprised; another knuckle dragging piece of proposed fundie shit legislation from the land of Texastan.

Last I checked, Texas boasted the highest illiteracy rate of the nation. Doubling up on the stupid, they're also leading the charge in rejecting science and history in a concerted effort to drag its citizens into universal idiocy.

Dumb as dirt, wearing cowboy boots, and carrying bible. What a future, bless their little hearts. I hope the enlightened Texans can either turn this around, or get out with their sanity intact.

Actually this is a private contract, and not proposed public legislation. However, in essence it is the same thing that a Muslim community could sign and agree to in the US (and apparently have in the UK). And there has been hoopla made about this, including the recently passed item in Oklahoma banning judgments to be made based on Sharia or International law.

Simply another piece where the concept is not wrong until it's being used to promote the "wrong" religion.

4 Locker  Thu, Nov 4, 2010 8:53:15am

Of course there is no outcry. Everyone knows that Christianity is the only true religion and everything else is just a terrorist plot to turn American boys and girls into mindless heathens.

5 Randy W. Weeks  Thu, Nov 4, 2010 9:10:07am

re: #2 theheat

Color me surprised; another knuckle dragging piece of proposed fundie shit legislation from the land of Texastan.

Last I checked, Texas boasted the highest illiteracy rate of the nation. Doubling up on the stupid, they're also leading the charge in rejecting science and history in a concerted effort to drag its citizens into universal idiocy.

Dumb as dirt, wearing cowboy boots, and carrying bible. What a future, bless their little hearts. I hope the enlightened Texans can either turn this around, or get out with their sanity intact.

It breaks my heart.

My poor, beloved Texas has never been a hot bed of progressivism, but it's descending into a pit of ignorance that it will take generations to climb out of.

It just breaks my heart.

6 SteelGHAZI  Thu, Nov 4, 2010 2:14:11pm

Texastan indeed...

7 dragonfire1981  Thu, Nov 4, 2010 3:28:24pm

re: #2 theheat

The crazy thing is that, economically, Texas is one of the best managed states in the entire union.

8 Michael Orion Powell  Thu, Nov 4, 2010 4:01:40pm

C'mon, oaktree! You know exactly how it is different. The Bible is the Word of God and Islam is obviously of the Devil!

9 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Nov 4, 2010 9:56:49pm

Well, one way it differs from Sharia is that it's based on a vague mutual agreement to follow the Biblical interpretation of some institute in Billings, while Sharia is based on centuries of legal interpretation and practice, but otherwise, the basic intent is the same.

The really key issue, of course, is that the courts are allowing it to be entered. This is what gets called dhimmification by some when Muslims do it.

10 Merkin  Sun, Nov 7, 2010 9:44:10pm

This is not that unusual in American law. There are contacts entered into by mutual agreement to submit disputes to be settled in a Beth Din, a rabbinical court which applies traditional Jewish Law. From good old Wikipedia:

A beth din is sometimes used within the Orthodox Jewish community to resolve civil disputes, with the Shulkhan Arukh calling for civil cases being resolved by religious instead of secular courts (arka'oth). Modern Western societies increasingly permit civil disputes to be resolved by private arbitration, enabling religious Jews to enter into agreements providing for arbitration by a particular beth din in the event of a dispute. By this device, the rules, procedures, and judgment of the beth din are accepted and can be enforced by secular courts in the same manner as those of a secular arbitration association. However, religious courts cannot decide such disputes without the prior agreement of both parties.

Certainly this is along the lines of the Christian or Muslim arbitration agreements discussed. I can't really see a reason to complain if both parties to the contact agree to the clause. I have seen a lot crazier contact terms.

11 Merkin  Sun, Nov 7, 2010 9:56:05pm

re: #7 dragonfire1981

The crazy thing is that, economically, Texas is one of the best managed states in the entire union.

The quality of economic management in Texas depends almost solely on the price of oil and the ability of the oil cartel to keep that price up. I refer you to the quality of the state's economic management in the 1980's when our first meager energy conservation efforts and increased exploration increases drove down the price of oil. The state was nearly bankrupt.

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