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1 researchok  Wed, Feb 9, 2011 11:51:16am

There is good news here.

Once and for all the stereotype of all Jews as smart has been disproved.

2 Bob Levin  Wed, Feb 9, 2011 11:57:31am

re: #1 researchok

One down, 250,000 to go.

3 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Feb 9, 2011 12:52:04pm

In order to get the INTERNET=CANCER gematriya, they had to misspell INTERNET as ENTERNET.

4 Bob Levin  Wed, Feb 9, 2011 1:11:15pm

re: #3 Alouette

In the rules of gematria, you can do that. Close counts. Horseshoes, hand grenades, and gematria.

However, there are studies that show surfing the web is therapeutic for certain diseases. Also, because of the little shots of dopamine that we get, it can also be argued that surfing the web prevents disease. There are no equal signs in gematria, just similar values. We have to discern why the values are similar.

There is a book of gematrias, every single word in the Torah listed by numerical value. Let’s just say the puzzle pieces do not fit neatly into a clear picture. Also, the notion of gematria developed as a mnemonic device, not necessarily a proof of the inherent qualities of an object. The latter still requires argument.

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