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1 wrenchwench  Tue, Mar 22, 2011 5:32:46pm

I avoided reading that because I knew there would be something in it that would make me mad. But then you Paged it, so I had to read it.

Romero and bicycling advocates said the bike-friendly rules are needed to earn a “platinum rating” from the League of American Bicyclists, a national organization that ranks cities. However, it is unclear whether the bike parking mandate is actually needed to achieve “platinum” status.

Stupid League.

“I think businesspeople will respond to true needs because it’s good for business,” Studwell said. But having spaces for bikes at carwashes and Home Depot is an unnecessary burden for businesses, he said.

In addition to safety and convenience, bicyclists want closer parking because it could help boost the area’s bicycle-friendliness ranking. The metro area now has a gold ranking, the second-highest.

They will make people more resentful of cyclists, besides making cycling more dangerous by promoting bike lanes. Every road is a bike route, and a better one if it has a nice wide right lane, without restrictions on what part of the lane the cyclist can use, and without the conflict at intersections that bike lanes cause.

2 Dancing along the light of day  Tue, Mar 22, 2011 5:35:59pm

What does “platinum league” do for the city, anyway?

3 wrenchwench  Tue, Mar 22, 2011 5:39:27pm

re: #2 Floral Giraffe

What does “platinum league” do for the city, anyway?

Nothing. They get mentions in some cycling publications. They probably get a plaque. More cyclists might move there, thinking it’s a nice place to ride. Unless they visit in the summer….

4 Gus  Tue, Mar 22, 2011 7:04:02pm

Back when I was a cyclist riding around my $1500 bike (in the 80s) the last thing I ever wanted to do was use a public bike rack. Lockers were fine but those were rare. Park your bike on a bike rack and your bike finish will get scratched to no end along with other damage. I’d frequently park at some lone metal pole for street signage.

I’m curious as to why would someone who is a cyclist and engaged in such physical exercise would “require” that bike parking be located within 50 feet of a business entrance? Even 75 feet seems rather close — it should be walkable within 30 seconds or less.

Oh. And when I was biking to work I also didn’t use any bike parking whatsoever but would bring the bike up into the office. The reality is that bikes are not meant to be stored outdoors even though they’re sometimes used in inclement weather. Rain and moisture leads to corrosion and the sun (UV rays) will eventually destroy your tires and other rubber parts.

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