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1 RogueOne  Tue, Jun 28, 2011 7:07:34pm

What law are they talking about? The NASA Authorization Act of 2010?

2 Achilles Tang  Tue, Jun 28, 2011 8:28:26pm

I don't know specifically. The suggestion is that NASA is being constrained by politically motivated job protection, as opposed to doing what it can do best; while it still has the skills to do so.

3 laZardo  Tue, Jun 28, 2011 11:51:03pm

I personally don't get why we continue to fund the space program. I fail to see how staring at blurry pictures of the universe actually helps things down here on earth, and I don't see exactly what 60 years of the program has achieved apart from propaganda victories against the Communists.

I think there's plenty more we can achieve with science conducted on earth than having to waste fossil fuel blasting things off into space.

4 RogueOne  Wed, Jun 29, 2011 3:51:03am

re: #2 Naso Tang

I was curious because your headline says (GOP) and your analysis blames it on their program cutting. (A) The bill was passed and signed last year under dem control of congress. The directives regarding a new heavy lift rocket was a bi-partisan plan from congressman representing districts in FLA and TX where the jobs would actually come from and (B) it included a faster timetable (and money) than the president had requested.

5 RogueOne  Wed, Jun 29, 2011 3:52:02am

re: #3 laZardo

I think it's important. The question is how much can we afford right now.

6 Achilles Tang  Wed, Jun 29, 2011 10:41:12am

re: #4 RogueOne

Yes a bill was passed but, as I understand it, restricting design to using shuttle system components thereby keeping current production running. That makes sense on the surface, but shuttle design is decades old and it restricts newer technology developed since then. The premise here is that the decision are made by lawmakers to protect their constituents, not by NASA designers and we are going to be forever behind the curve.

I'm not the expert on this, but that is what I understand is coming out of NASA. (Yes of course they also have their own interests to protect, but I don't want to see space design constraints coming out of a legislature that doesn't even understand AGW or evolution).

7 Achilles Tang  Wed, Jun 29, 2011 10:52:38am

re: #3 laZardo

I personally don't get why we continue to fund the space program. I fail to see how staring at blurry pictures of the universe actually helps things down here on earth, and I don't see exactly what 60 years of the program has achieved apart from propaganda victories against the Communists.

I think there's plenty more we can achieve with science conducted on earth than having to waste fossil fuel blasting things off into space.

No doubt you also see no benefit in particle accelerators, radio telescopes, or for that matter any telescope larger than needed for bird watching.

I could go on, but what is the point?

8 laZardo  Thu, Jun 30, 2011 8:47:12pm

re: #7 Naso Tang

No doubt you also see no benefit in particle accelerators, radio telescopes, or for that matter any telescope larger than needed for bird watching.

I could go on, but what is the point?

Particle accelerators were researched on earth for use on earth. And why are we focusing on telescopes that can only give blurry pictures of potentially dead stars when we could develop microscopes that can give us better pictures of the diseases that plague us?

9 Achilles Tang  Fri, Jul 1, 2011 5:11:13am

re: #8 laZardo

Your breadth of comprehension belongs in a comic book. A simple comic book about the mundane.

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