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1 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Jul 20, 2011 1:59:55am

Taken literally, the ark story doesn’t make sense from any perspective (e.g. it wouldn’t be possible to accomplish the ark business without miracles anyway, but then why not just make one miracle and just not let the pairs of all animals die during the flood (lock them in hyperstasis in a parallel universe, or something) - or better yet, why do the flood genocide at all and not simply kill all bad people, etc.), but the animals fitting inside the arc remains a problem in any case.

Either the baramin (“kinds”) are defined more closely to the biological def of the species, and then the animals don’t fit the ark. Or the baramin become very general, maybe just several thousands of them, but then there is the problem of how diversity arose after the flood - it would require a kind of hyperevolution no “evolutionist” would actually dream of.

2 researchok  Wed, Jul 20, 2011 3:31:02am

A man and his dream.

Great story no matter what you believe

3 Bob Levin  Wed, Jul 20, 2011 3:47:53am

re: #1 Sergey Romanov

Dude, this is a tourist attraction. Ain’t no theology about this. This is serious money.

4 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Jul 20, 2011 3:53:33am

re: #3 Bob Levin

Sorry, I specifically checked the article for this before commenting.

“We want to tell people about God,” the deeply religious Dutchman told AFP when asked why he undertook the project. “We wanted to build something that can help explain the Bible in real terms.”

5 Bob Levin  Wed, Jul 20, 2011 4:00:42am

re: #4 Sergey Romanov

I know what he says. Let’s talk about it in a year. I’m betting he’ll be charging an entrance fee. If they get to the Jazz Club the Talmud alludes to, cover charge. ;-)

If anyone finds any hint that Noah and the kids smoked some dope, gold mine.

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