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1 sliv_the_eli  Thu, Sep 1, 2011 8:36:14am

Let me see. Some parlor Jew living among the so-called intelligentsia of England -- you know, one of those countries that still plans to attend the Durban III hatefest later this month -- thinks "Israel does not see the missiles falling on communities along the border as a bad thing." And we are supposed to take anything he says on the subject seriously?

2 Vicious Babushka  Thu, Sep 1, 2011 9:38:20am

Where was this yefeh nefesh during the Holocaust? My guess is that he was not in Poland.

3 Romantic Heretic  Thu, Sep 1, 2011 10:08:28am

He's wrong about that. It's more like a Native American reservation.

4 Vicious Babushka  Thu, Sep 1, 2011 10:10:20am

re: #3 Romantic Heretic

He's wrong about that. It's more like a Native American reservation.

What's more like a Native American reservation?

5 Bob Levin  Thu, Sep 1, 2011 1:56:26pm

re: #3 Romantic Heretic

Actually, East Jerusalem is more like the bad part of town. The difference between East Jerusalem and West Jerusalem is that, in West Jerusalem, the tax dollars go where they are supposed to go. Trillions have been earmarked for helping the residents of the West Bank, and there's nothing to show for it.

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