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1 researchok  Wed, Sep 28, 2011 11:13:14am
p.s. If my child were dying, any human being standing between me and the phone, including my husband, would be trampled.

What you said,

2 calochortus  Wed, Sep 28, 2011 2:28:56pm

Perhaps the parents spending time in jail is the will of God too? He is reputed to move in mysterious ways…

3 EiMitch  Wed, Sep 28, 2011 3:06:30pm

re: #2 calochortus

Its funny how often the people who speak of god’s “mysterious ways,” and the ones claiming to know what is or isn’t god’s will, are the same damn double-talking dopes.

If using medicine is against god’s will, then isn’t faith healing against it too? I mean, why try to heal at all? Illness, injury, and death are all god’s will.

While we’re on the subject of god’s mysterious-even-though-we-claim-to-understand-it-until-you-ask-questions-ways:

Why are a-holes claiming that unwanted pregnancies from premarital sex, or far worse, rape, are all part of god’s will, but abortion is not? How do they know which sins are part of god’s plan and which aren’t? And just how good of a plan could it be if an abortion is all it takes to thwart it?

Come to think of it, why would an all-benevolent, all-wise, all-powerful being make any sin a part of his plan in the first place? Not to mention the implications of free-will, choice, and how could it be remotely fair to send someone to hell for simply doing god’s not-so-benevolent will in the first place?

On second thought, nevermind that last part. It answers itself.

4 Mostly sane, most of the time.  Wed, Sep 28, 2011 3:14:01pm

I wonder if they bother to garden or plant, or just let grow whatever will in their yards? God wants that dandelion growing right there, obviously!

5 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Sep 28, 2011 11:05:30pm

again and again

it’s OK to let a newborn die of neglect, but not OK to have an abortion.


6 Mostly sane, most of the time.  Thu, Sep 29, 2011 9:36:16am

I will say this again later, but I just found out they will go to the dentist and the optometrist.

Apparently Jesus no longer heals eyes.

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