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1 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Wed, Oct 5, 2011 12:22:02pm

Well... Look at it this way. Jews represent less than .01% of the population of nations actively involved in scientific research. Jews represent over 20% of all Nobel prizes, Fields Medals and Einstein awards. Those numbers have been pretty consistent for a very long time. We are 200 times more likely as a population to produce top flight scientists.

No one should be surprised at the scientific contributions of a Jewish State.

2 lostlakehiker  Wed, Oct 5, 2011 12:53:33pm

The same goes, though I'm not sure it's been meticulously documented, for world chess championships and various high profile bridge championships. The board game "Go" is an exception, though it is perhaps not sufficiently popular in the west that we should expect the same sort of statistics.

3 sliv_the_eli  Wed, Oct 5, 2011 1:02:22pm

re: #1 LudwigVanQuixote

Well... Look at it this way. Jews represent less than .01% of the population of nations actively involved in scientific research. Jews represent over 20% of all Nobel prizes, Fields Medals and Einstein awards. Those numbers have been pretty consistent for a very long time. We are 200 times more likely as a population to produce top flight scientists.

No one should be surprised at the scientific contributions of a Jewish State.

I doubt anyone here at LGF would be surprised, but with the ongoing efforts by the media to demonize the Jewish state I would not be surprised if these facts came as news to many people. In any event, it is always -- but too infrequently -- nice to see a media report that publicizes the tremendous achievements and advances that the tiny Jewish state of Israel makes for humankind.

4 Curt  Wed, Oct 5, 2011 1:33:22pm

Israel holds the highest number of life science patents, followed by The Netherlands, followed by the US...videoed a presentation between the states and a research organization is Israel when I say the numbers....and those patents help all humanity.

5 _RememberTonyC  Wed, Oct 5, 2011 3:03:35pm

somebody should let the BDS crowd know that the list of Israeli achievements that they need to boycott is much larger than they realized. The list includes many things (drugs, cell phone technology, etc) they need to start boycotting immediately.

6 Bob Levin  Wed, Oct 5, 2011 3:08:15pm

Actually, it's amazing what a country can do if there isn't a large sports culture. That's not to say Israelis neglect their health. Far from it. But their goals have a little bit more substance than just being famous.

7 Bob Levin  Wed, Oct 5, 2011 3:10:09pm

re: #5 _RememberTonyC

I'd be happy if the State Department knew it. They're still in the Oil Trumps All state of mind.

8 Wik  Wed, Oct 5, 2011 3:10:43pm

How many Nobel Prizes have the Arab states won? Aside from Arafat?!!!
Certainly with all thier money and answers to everything, they must have a few Nobels...

9 sliv_the_eli  Wed, Oct 5, 2011 3:12:49pm

re: #5 _RememberTonyC

somebody should let the BDS crowd know that the list of Israeli achievements that they need to boycott is much larger than they realized. The list includes many things (drugs, cell phone technology, etc) they need to start boycotting immediately.

This has been pointed out a number of times here at LGF, particularly the hypocrisy of the BDS crowd using computer technology created in Israel to urge a boycott of Israeli products.

10 Bob Levin  Wed, Oct 5, 2011 8:31:07pm

This isn't exactly news, so it's not something I would post. But it is relevant to the discussion.

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