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1 freetoken  Fri, Nov 25, 2011 6:09:43pm

Thing is, Barack Obama has been a “moderate” President, despite all the flailing by the wingnuts. Looking at the past 3 years of policy changes (or lack thereof) and executive decisions, it’s hard to describe President Obama as anything other than careful consensus operator, with the end result being many policies not that different from GWB. That’s why the actual “left” portion of the Democratic party laments so much.

2 moderatelyradicalliberal  Fri, Nov 25, 2011 8:52:58pm

re: #1 freetoken

Thing is, Barack Obama has been a “moderate” President, despite all the flailing by the wingnuts. Looking at the past 3 years of policy changes (or lack thereof) and executive decisions, it’s hard to describe President Obama as anything other than careful consensus operator, with the end result being many policies not that different from GWB. That’s why the actual “left” portion of the Democratic party laments so much.

I think you are missing the point. They know full well Obama isn’t a far-left socialist, but they also know he isn’t nearly as corporate and top 1% friendly as a GOP president would be.Their goal is to keep moderate independents and alienated Republicans who would rather eat shit than vote for any of the Republican candidates away from Obama by giving them the illusion of an alternative. What they are up to is called ratfucking.

3 Randall Gross  Fri, Nov 25, 2011 9:06:30pm

The President almost always ends up moderate just due to the nature of the job, no matter how political opponents paint the current officeholders. We don’t need a moderate President, we need moderate congress critters.

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