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1 researchok  Sat, Jan 28, 2012 6:26:00pm

There s good weed in AZ.

You can't fix what she has.

2 nines09  Sat, Jan 28, 2012 6:56:12pm

Oh boy. A well armed nut jobs dream come true. Trubba brewing.

3 piratedan  Sat, Jan 28, 2012 7:31:35pm

but hey, we're not allowed to even consider any laws that might limit how many bullets can be in a clip of a semi automatic pistol but at least the state lege managed to get that crucial state handgun provision passed.

4 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Jan 28, 2012 8:17:53pm

re: #3 piratedan

but hey, we're not allowed to even consider any laws that might limit how many bullets can be in a clip of a semi automatic pistol but at least the state lege managed to get that crucial state handgun provision passed.

Magazine bans do not reduce crime. This thread is a about a crazy wingnut's bad idea, not about firearms in general. Save the gun control bullshit for MSNBC.

5 piratedan  Sat, Jan 28, 2012 10:44:29pm

re: #4 Dark_Falcon

and reducing the amount of bullets in a clip isn't controlling guns but might very well have saved a few lives in Tucson, if you need 30 bullets in a clip it stops being a pistol and the weapon becomes a machine gun.

so piss off.....

wingnuts and bad gun laws go hand in hand

6 Archangelus  Sun, Jan 29, 2012 12:43:39am

Note to self: avoid entering Arizona at all costs in the foreseeable future...

7 cinesimon  Sun, Jan 29, 2012 3:20:56am

Dark Falcon, sounds like you need to be over at Red State, kiddo.
Hey - you'll even be cheered on if you follow your leaders at the NRA and start accusing MSNBC of having PMS! CHOOOIIIICE!

8 Shiplord Kirel  Sun, Jan 29, 2012 4:12:42am

Recruit hundreds of unpaid volunteers, issue them military grade firearms, train them without military assistance, tell them they are at war, and turn them loose.
What could possibly go wrong?

9 jaunte  Sun, Jan 29, 2012 8:25:27am
Allen wants to give her militia the power to seize property, and share in any funds resulting from the seizure of that property. Also, her guardsmen would have the power to detain folks, opening up a whole other can of worms.

Letters of marque!

10 celticdragon  Sun, Jan 29, 2012 10:31:24am

re: #4 Dark_Falcon

Magazine bans do not reduce crime. This thread is a about a crazy wingnut's bad idea, not about firearms in general. Save the gun control bullshit for MSNBC.

I agree.

11 celticdragon  Sun, Jan 29, 2012 10:32:18am

re: #7 cinesimon

Dark Falcon, sounds like you need to be over at Red State, kiddo.
Hey - you'll even be cheered on if you follow your leaders at the NRA and start accusing MSNBC of having PMS! CHOOOIIICE!


What did DF say that was even remotely a problem here?

12 SpaceJesus  Sun, Jan 29, 2012 10:34:49am

Yeah, what could be wrong with a bunch of neo-klansmen and militia types running around with guns looking for foreigners in a state that has lots of Hispanics

13 Decatur Deb  Thu, Feb 2, 2012 7:33:56am

The more I read about Arizona, the more comfortable I feel here in Alabama.

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