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1 Buck  Sun, Mar 18, 2012 2:05:46pm

the bill doesn’t appear to classify single parenthood as child abuse, but rather as a contributing factor.

according to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services

Specific life situations of some families—such as marital conflict, domestic violence, single parenthood, unemployment, financial stress, and social isolation—may increase the likelihood of maltreatment. While these factors by themselves may not cause maltreatment, they frequently contribute to negative patterns of family functioning.

the author of the article appears to either not have read the excerpt, or completely misunderstood it.

or has an agenda to make Wisconsin Republicans look bad.

2 researchok  Sun, Mar 18, 2012 2:56:22pm

re: #1 Buck

The author may or may not gave an agenda.

What is more relevant is why the Wisconsin state legislature ‘takes the state-funded Child Abuse Prevention Board to task for not railing against single parenthood’.

Since when are those kinds of ideas the business of any state legislature? Further, if the legislators really wanted to address single parenthood, the logical way to do that is to address marriage and divorce. They are the primary cause of single parenthood.

Why place the blame on the single parent only and not address the real causes?

That is profound hypocrisy at a minimum.

I am no wild social liberal but positions such as this, the stance against gay marriage, etc., are missing the point entirely.

Government has no business in the bedrooms- or living rooms of the nation.

If you want to address social issues, deal with causes and not the results.

3 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut  Sun, Mar 18, 2012 3:10:07pm

re: #1 Buck

I guess you didn’t read the words ‘threat’ and ‘associating’.

4 terraincognita  Sun, Mar 18, 2012 7:22:43pm

The Republican WI state senate majority, 17-16, has ceased to exist as of Friday when state Sen. Pam Galloway resigned due to family health problems. The deadlock will be subject to the May 8 recall elections for 4 Republican state senators. Gov. Walker and Lt. Gov. Kleefisch will face recall elections on June 5. Wisconsin will win its freedom back from these hacks within a few months.

5 Buck  Mon, Mar 19, 2012 7:20:20pm

re: #3 Obdicut

I guess you didn’t read the words ‘threat’ and ‘associating’.

And where exactly was I supposed to read those words?

In the Bill? Does the Bill use those words?

Because when I said “the bill doesn’t appear to classify single parenthood as child abuse, but rather as a contributing factor.” I was talking about the Bill.

6 Buck  Mon, Mar 19, 2012 8:08:14pm

re: #2 researchok

Did you rear the bill?

I did.

I don’t READ anything there about “railing against single parenthood”

And I point out AGAIN that what they did write, they probably got from the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, which is Federal.

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