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1 researchok  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 1:54:17am
This act of social protest against auster govt economic policies In Israel echoes the act of Tunisia's Mohammed Bouazizi who set himself on fire sparking the Arab Spring and the act in Greece of a 77 year old pensioner who killed himself in protest in front of the Greek Parliament in Athens.

Well then violent revolution in Israel is just around the corner.

We'll see how your 'analysis' pans out.

Because Israelis are living in a hellhole comparative to that of Tunisia.

2 Bob Levin  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 2:07:20am

Thank you for another informative post about Israel. I didn't realize it was such an oppressive, life-sucking society--filled with people who secretly hijack the foreign policy of every nation on earth. Come to think of it, I'm part of that Cabal, as a shill for Bibi.

3 Destro  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 2:33:33am

re: #1 researchok

Well then violent revolution in Israel is just around the corner.

We'll see how your 'analysis' pans out.

Because Israelis are living in a hellhole comparative to that of Tunisia.

Does anyone here who kneejerk defend the status quo actually read Israeli news? Or do they get their news on Isreal from fucking FOX?

Between Tunisia and Israel: A personal tragedy becomes the symbol of Israel's social struggle

The tragic act of Moshe Silman setting himself on fire during a social protest reflects the depth of the gaping chasm between the people and the government.

4 Destro  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 2:33:56am

re: #2 Bob Levin

Thank you for another informative post about Israel. I didn't realize it was such an oppressive, life-sucking society--filled with people who secretly hijack the foreign policy of every nation on earth. Come to think of it, I'm part of that Cabal, as a shill for Bibi.

Does anyone here who kneejerk defend the status quo actually read Israeli news? Or do they get their news on Isreal from fucking FOX? Between Tunisia and Israel: A personal tragedy becomes the symbol of Israel's social struggle

The tragic act of Moshe Silman setting himself on fire during a social protest reflects the depth of the gaping chasm between the people and the government.

What are you other than a Bibi and his right wing govt's shill trying to downplay this and its implications?

5 Destro  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 2:36:56am

Between Tunisia and Israel: A personal tragedy becomes the symbol of Israel's social struggle

The tragic act of Moshe Silman setting himself on fire during a social protest reflects the depth of the gaping chasm between the people and the government

Government spokesmen will most definitely claim that Saturday night’s tragedy does not reflect the general situation in the country, which they’ll say is constantly improving. They’ll say that over the past year, they have been more attentive than ever to the plight of the people.

The letter left behind by Moshe Silman depicts a piercing reality that unfortunately is not unique to him: A monthly allowance of NIS 2,300, no money to pay for medication or rent, and “I can’t even live month to month. I won’t be homeless, and so I am protesting.”

Those are the words of a man with no choice left but to set himself on fire, in a last-ditch attempt to show the world how desperate his situation is.

In Tunisia it was Mohamed Bouazizi, the vendor that set himself on fire and brought the protests there into worldwide focus in December 2010. Will Bouazizi’s Israeli equivalent inspire the government to do some soul searching? Will he inspire some kind of rehabilitation for the system that pushed him to this terrible act? Most likely, an “investigational committee” will be opened. It is already possible to guess the outcome of the investigation - the system worked the way it was supposed to.

6 Bob Levin  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 2:53:02am

re: #4 Destro

What are you other than a Bibi and his right wing govt's shill trying to downplay this and its implications?

Nothing. That's all I am. What else is there? Is that wrong?

7 Destro  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 2:54:13am
8 Destro  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 2:56:52am

re: #6 Bob Levin

Nothing. That's all I am. What else is there? Is that wrong?

Defending Bibi and his govt and all like him is wrong. It is like you being against Romney for the USA but OK if he was running another country.

So, yea. It is wrong.

Also, what is contemptable is an incident of a man driven by policies that maybe coming to the USA real soon and you make light of it. "Nothing to see here, move along".

I think if this starts to happen in the USA if Romney wins the FOX and right wing talk shows would also make fun of it and downplay it like you did.

9 researchok  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 2:59:06am

re: #3 Destro

Like I said, we'll see how your 'analysis' works out.

You were the one who made the link. Remember?

All the links and anecdotes in the world won't change anything.

We shall see.

10 Bob Levin  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 2:59:12am

re: #8 Destro

You really have no understanding of Israel. Thank god for your ability to form stereotypes or you'd be completely lost.

11 Destro  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 3:00:46am

re: #9 researchok

Like I said, we'll see how your 'analysis' works out.

You were the one who made the link. Remember?

All the links and anecdotes in the world won't change anything.

We shall see.

I am not the only one makin the link. It is being made in Israel and it was made in Tunisia and being made in Greece. Why are you invested in downplaying it? Laugh it off?

12 Bob Levin  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 3:01:08am

re: #9 researchok

We shall see.

And we shall post like sonsabitches.

13 researchok  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 3:01:26am

re: #8 Destro

There are very different geo political realities everywhere.

There is no one size fits all and there is no one universal left or right leader.

Political science 101.

14 researchok  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 3:02:22am

re: #11 Destro

Opinions are like, well, you know.

As I said, we'll see how your- and their- 'analysis' works out.

And for the record, I said, 'We'll see'.

I neither downplaying nor endorsing anything.

15 Destro  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 3:03:01am

re: #10 Bob Levin

You really have no understanding of Israel. Thank god for your ability to form stereotypes or you'd be completely lost.

Says the stereotyper. And Haaretz pretty much went where I went with this so they must be from California and not Israel.

16 researchok  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 3:06:09am

re: #15 Destro

Haaretz is left leaning, to say the least.

Anyway, we'll see how your- and their 'analysis' works out.

It's a pity you don't believe in God. You could be praying for things to go your way.

17 Destro  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 3:06:19am

re: #14 researchok

I asked why you are downplaying this? I am not the only one makin the link. It is being made in Israel. Why are you invested in downplaying it? Laugh it off?

18 researchok  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 3:07:57am

re: #17 Destro

As I noted in 14, we shall see.

And why are you invested in promoting this?

19 Destro  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 3:09:00am

re: #16 researchok

Haaretz is left leaning, to say the least.

Anyway, we'll see how your- and their ;analysis' works out.

It's a pity you don't believe in God. You could be praying for things to go your way.

Haaretz is left leaning? So what are you? A right winger? Romney supporter? Maybe you should hang out on Freerepublic who also don't accept left wing news AKA reality.

At least you outed yourself as a right winger pretending your not.

20 Bob Levin  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 3:09:25am

re: #11 Destro

Why are you invested in downplaying it? Laugh it off?

You've made another misinterpretation. It is a personal tragedy. No one said otherwise. But it doesn't go any farther.

Netanyahu promises to look into situation of social justice protester who set himself alight in Tel Aviv protest; Yechimovich says suicide must not be a symbol of social protest.

And this:

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called the case of Moshe Silman, who set himself on fire during Saturday night's social justice protest, a "great personal tragedy."

Netanyahu said during a Likud ministers meeting on Sunday that he had asked Welfare Minister Moshe Kahlon and Housing and Construction Minister Ariel Atias to look into Silman's case.

21 Destro  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 3:10:21am

re: #18 researchok

As I noted in 14, we shall see.

And why are you invested in promoting this?

Because I espouse left wing causes against right wing govts. Because this is an example of what happens when we get austerity like the Republians want to do here? Do you live under a rock?

22 Destro  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 3:12:37am

re: #20 Bob Levin

You've made another misinterpretation. It is a personal tragedy. No one said otherwise. But it doesn't go any farther.

And this:

Again, you defend that right wing Netanyahu. What would you expect him to say? Already ridiculed by Haaretz @ #5.

23 researchok  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 3:14:06am

re: #19 Destro

No, I said we'll see about your 'analysis', although if your response to my remarks are any indication of your critical thinking skills, you have a ways to go.

Try again.

24 researchok  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 3:15:33am

re: #21 Destro

A single example isn't an indication of anything.

Even you ought to know that.

Nevertheless, we shall see how your 'analysis' pans out.

Time will tell.

25 Destro  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 3:17:00am

re: #20 Bob Levin

You've made another misinterpretation. It is a personal tragedy. No one said otherwise. But it doesn't go any farther.

And this:

His sister, Bat Tzion, said, "My brother was a businessman, but he failed and they took everything away from him."

Silman's nephew, Ofer Elul, said his uncle "got into trouble with the Tax Authority and National Insurance Institute – and they left him with nothing. They took his home – everything."

I guess they needed to keep taxes low on millionares a fraction of a % or some such so they made a man down on his luck so desperate he had to torch himself. But Bibi will look into why his own govts policies caused this to happen.

26 researchok  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 3:17:14am

re: #21 Destro

Israel is a first world country, very different from those you cited.

Again, Poli Sci 101

Try again.

27 Bob Levin  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 3:18:33am

re: #22 Destro

It's just not going to occur to you to ask what it is you don't understand about Israel. Is that right?

You're going to be content with your misinterpretations, your insistence that Israel is some kind of fascist tyranny. Is that right?

And of course, that Jews tricked the US into going into Iraq. But I'm the one who stereotypes. Riiiiiight.

28 researchok  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 3:19:41am

re: #25 Destro

You know, notwithstanding economic difficulties, it is possible the guy was crazy.

How do you feel about the dozens of immolations in Tibet in protest of the brutal Chinese occupation?

29 Destro  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 3:20:42am

re: #23 researchok

You are the person that assumed that I was saying Israel would rise up in Tunisian protests ala Arab spring. I merly stated that Israel is going through the same economic austerity shit the right wing govts have done the world over, no mention of end results.

You took that - tried to belittle it - as some sort of prediction of a left wing armed revolution (we should be so lucky - then the govt may do stuff like spend monet to fix bridges).

So, I ask, why are you downplaying the situation?

30 researchok  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 3:21:17am

re: #27 Bob Levin

He isn't misinterpreting anything.

He has an agenda.

31 Bob Levin  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 3:21:28am

re: #25 Destro

I guess they needed to keep taxes low on millionares a fraction of a % or some such so they made a man down on his luck so desperate he had to torch himself. But Bibi will look into why his own govts policies caused this to happen.

So you already know the results of the investigation?

And where do millionaires come into this?

32 researchok  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 3:23:22am

re: #29 Destro

Yes, you were thew one who brought it up.

I said we shall see.

You have your opinion, I have mine.

In the end, we shall see whose analysis is correct. Why does that bother you?

33 Destro  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 3:23:27am

re: #28 researchok

You know, notwithstanding economic difficulties, it is possible the guy was crazy.

How do you feel about the dozens of immolations in Tibet in protest of the brutal Chinese occupation?

I wish it would not happen but I am not Tibetan and I can't know what they know or feel. If I was still a practicing Christian I would say god does not want us committing suicide then yet again god gets off on blood sacrifices (both animal and human) so god might approve.

34 Bob Levin  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 3:23:50am

re: #30 researchok

He isn't misinterpreting anything.

He has an agenda.

Then that would make him a....gasp!

35 researchok  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 3:24:16am

re: #31 Bob Levin

It's the tired 'pivot and attack' narrative.

Clearly, he didn't get the memo.

36 researchok  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 3:25:32am

re: #33 Destro

So why do you care about Israel so much? What is it about Israel and Jews that seem to get you in a lather?

Do tell.

37 Destro  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 3:25:33am

re: #32 researchok

Yes, you were thew one who brought it up.

I said we shall see.

You have your opinion, I have mine.

In the end, we shall see whose analysis is correct. Why does that bother you?

I brought up that right wing austerity is world wide phenomenon. You took that to mean I was predicting an Israeli armed uprising ala Tunisia/Egypt whatever. So why are you downplaying his news?

38 Destro  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 3:26:11am

re: #34 Bob Levin

Then that would make him a...gasp!


39 Aye Pod  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 3:26:24am

re: #16 researchok

Haaretz is left leaning, to say the least.

NEWSFLASH: LGF is left leaning.

40 researchok  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 3:27:14am

re: #37 Destro

Again, I'm not downplaying nor endorsing anything.

We shall see.

That seems to be a problem for you for some reason, as I have reiterated this a number of times.

41 Bob Levin  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 3:29:27am

re: #29 Destro

I merly stated that Israel is going through the same economic austerity shit the right wing govts have done the world over,

You mean like this:

Netanyahu proposes bigger deficit to avoid cuts, tax hikes

42 Aye Pod  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 3:30:02am

Get we get past the point where any criticism of Israeli wingnuts has to be met with suggestions of antisemitic agendas?

43 researchok  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 3:30:13am

re: #39 Aye Pod

Yup, LGF is left leaning.

But so what? If I made a case that was unimpeachable, you'd have no trouble (maybe a growl or two) accepting it.

Notwithstanding LGF's political tilt, a good percentage of people are intellectually honest. That isn't a weakness, it is a strength.

44 Bob Levin  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 3:31:08am

re: #38 Destro



45 Destro  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 3:31:20am

re: #27 Bob Levin

It's just not going to occur to you to ask what it is you don't understand about Israel. Is that right?

You're going to be content with your misinterpretations, your insistence that Israel is some kind of fascist tyranny. Is that right?

And of course, that Jews tricked the US into going into Iraq. But I'm the one who stereotypes. Riiight.

No, you are a defender of the right wing govt of Israel and you try and play that off as a defender of Israel and any attacks on Bibi is an attack on Israel. And I never said Jews tricked America into Attacking Iraq I wrote that ex PM Bibi wrote an WSJ Oped that said Iraq had WMD and the USA should attack it preemptively and I called him out for that as well as his link to Mitt Romney and the Republicans.

And yea, all right wing govts, are fascists as far as I am concerned. If they care more for corporations than people that is the very fucking definition of fascism AKA corporatism.

46 Aye Pod  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 3:31:47am

re: #43 researchok

Yup, LGF is left leaning.

But so what? If I made a case that was unimpeachable, you'd have no trouble (maybe a growl or two) accepting it.

Notwithstanding LGF's political tilt, a good percentage of people are intellectually honest. That isn't a weakness, it isw a strength.

The point is that you dismissed what Haaretz said because it is 'left leaning'. You need to come up with something better than that, obviously!

47 researchok  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 3:33:10am

re: #42 Aye Pod

Hear, hear.

I could not agree more.

Unfortunately, there are those who conflate criticism of Israel and antisemitism, in both overt and subtle ways.

I have lots of criticism of Israel- lots.

48 Aye Pod  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 3:34:32am

re: #47 researchok

Unfortunately, there are those who conflate criticism of Israel and antisemitism, in both overt and subtle ways.

That's Bob Levin, to a tee.

49 Destro  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 3:34:56am

re: #41 Bob Levin

You mean like this:

Netanyahu proposes bigger deficit to avoid cuts, tax hikes

You mean after the protests scared his govt? Why are you defending Bibi again???? Again it's this Bibi defense going on by you. You keep outing yourself as a defender of a right winger like Bibi on a left leaning forum for some reason.

50 researchok  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 3:35:45am

re: #46 Aye Pod

No, I dismissed the Haaretz piece because it an opinion- and predicated on a single event.

51 Destro  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 3:37:09am

re: #44 Bob Levin


Maybe I am a Bob Levin baiter without knowing it. Because I am trying to figure out where I baited jewish people with this? Attacks on the right and their policies? Yea. Attacks on the Israeli right? Yea. I just posted an editorial attacking UK's Tories. No one there called me a WASP baiter yet.

52 researchok  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 3:38:07am

re: #48 Aye Pod

That is not the case, in my opinion.

Bob Levin may be a passionate defender of Israel, but he too is intellectually honest.

And I suspect he's got issues with some Israeli policies as well.

53 Bob Levin  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 3:38:13am

re: #45 Destro

No, you are a defender of the right wing govt of Israel

Actually, I'm defending the Israeli government from your ill-informed characterization of it. I don't have to defend it at all. It's a coalition democracy. It could fall tomorrow, and I wouldn't care. 50,000 Frenchman Israelis can't be wrong.

54 Aye Pod  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 3:39:48am

re: #50 researchok

No, I dismissed the Haaretz piece because it an opinion- and predicated on a single event.

NOPE! This is what you said in dismissing the Haaretz piece:

Haaretz is left leaning, to say the least.

55 researchok  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 3:40:32am

re: #51 Destro

As I noted earlier,

There are very different geo political realities everywhere.

There is no one size fits all and there is no one universal left or right leader.

Political science 101.

56 Bob Levin  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 3:41:25am

re: #48 Aye Pod

Kind of depends on the source of the criticism, doesn't it? You may not think it does, but it does.

57 researchok  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 3:42:32am

re: #54 Aye Pod

I apologize for my lack of clarity.

As you know, I do cite Haaretz regularly- even the opinion pieces every now and then.

58 Destro  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 3:43:15am

re: #55 researchok

As I noted earlier,

There are very different geo political realities everywhere.

There is no one size fits all and there is no one universal left or right leader.

Political science 101.

Reality check on you. The economic programs of budget cuts/cutting subsidies is THE SAME be it Greece, Tunisia or Israel.

You were the one who took that statement of mine (and Haaretz) and said AHA! Those guys are saying there will be an Israeli version of an Arab Spring or Greek riots.

I made no such claim.

59 Bob Levin  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 3:43:45am

re: #49 Destro

You mean after the protests scared his govt?

It's called feedback. Democracies get feedback. Which is why no one was scared.

60 researchok  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 3:44:39am

re: #58 Destro

Fair enough.

Now we shall see if your 'analysis' is correct.

We shall see.

61 Destro  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 3:45:27am

re: #53 Bob Levin

Actually, I'm defending the Israeli government from your ill-informed characterization of it. I don't have to defend it at all. It's a coalition democracy. It could fall tomorrow, and I wouldn't care. 50,000 Frenchman Israelis can't be wrong.

It's a coalition composed of right wing parties including those of various kooks. Thanks for outing yourself not as a defender of a people but of a govt of of GOP wannabees (or maybe the Tea Party GOP wants to be more like Bibi's govt).

62 Destro  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 3:46:49am

re: #59 Bob Levin

It's called feedback. Democracies get feedback. Which is why no one was scared.

Again defending Bibi's govt and how great it reacts in your mind.

63 Aye Pod  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 3:47:18am

re: #52 researchok

That is not the case, in my opinion.

Bob Levin may be a passionate defender of Israel, but he too is intellectually honest.

And I suspect he's got issues with some Israeli policies as well.

He does this sort of thing on a regular basis - he's done it to me before, too.

If one wants to argue that a particular wingnut policy/approach in Israel is a good thing, they should argue their case on it's own merits. I'm just sick of this wingnut notion that the litmus test of not being an anti-semitic bigot is your liking for/tolerance of Israeli wingnuts.

64 Bob Levin  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 3:47:28am

re: #58 Destro

The economic programs of budget cuts/cutting subsidies is THE SAME be it Greece, Tunisia or Israel.

I'll post it again.

Netanyahu proposes bigger deficit to avoid cuts, tax hikes

How many times do you have to read it before it sinks in?

65 Destro  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 3:48:04am

re: #60 researchok

Fair enough.

Now we shall see if your 'analysis' is correct.

We shall see.

What analysis did I offer?

66 Bob Levin  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 3:50:44am

re: #61 Destro

It's a coalition composed of right wing parties including those of various kooks.

Like Kadima. You know about Kadima, right?

67 Aye Pod  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 3:51:24am

re: #57 researchok

I apologize for my lack of clarity.

As you know, I do cite Haaretz regularly- even the opinion pieces every now and then.

True. Which is another reason your comment struck me as odd. Must be the Levin effect ;-)


68 researchok  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 3:53:16am

Time will tell if Israel will end up like Tunisia, Greece,

Of course France too is cutting their budget and Obama has promised to do the same.

Then there are the state budgets California, NY- lots and lots of other examples.

There might be a trend- in any event, time will tell.

69 Destro  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 3:53:37am

re: #64 Bob Levin

I'll post it again.

Netanyahu proposes bigger deficit to avoid cuts, tax hikes

How many times do you have to read it before it sinks in?

Yea, that right winger refusing to raise taxes on the rich and is borrowing money. Just like Reagonomics. And you put that as a defense for Bibi? Kooky. Must make sense in wing nut land.

70 researchok  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 3:54:03am

re: #63 Aye Pod

No argument here.

71 Bob Levin  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 3:54:53am

re: #69 Destro

I guess posting it twice isn't enough. 'Cuts' refers to budget cuts. He's trying to avoid budget cuts.

72 researchok  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 3:54:59am

re: #69 Destro

Well, he's on the same plan as Obama and other leaders.

That ought to give you some comfort

73 Destro  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 3:56:49am

re: #66 Bob Levin

Like Kadima. You know about Kadima, right?

Kadima are former Likudniks who followed a different leader. Happens to parliamentary parties all the time. They are not much different from economic ideology.

74 Bob Levin  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 3:57:35am

re: #73 Destro


75 Destro  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 3:58:50am

re: #68 researchok

Time will tell if Israel will end up like Tunisia, Greece,

Of course France too is cutting their budget and Obama has promised to do the same.

Then there are the state budgets California, NY- lots and lots of other examples.

There might be a trend- in any event, time will tell.

I said before I will vote for Obama because the GOP is the bat shit party but is budget cutting in a time of recession/depression is maddening - see Dr Paul Krugman's critique.

76 researchok  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 3:59:37am

I've had enough fun for a while.

What I'd really like to do is sit down for a pint or eight with Jimmah, argue, win a few, lose a few and have an enormous pastie.

77 CuriousLurker  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 4:00:10am

Israeli politics. *groan*

I tried to sort that out once. The list is massive, and many parties have split off from each other and reformed under different names. Add to that the seemingly constantly shifting coalitions/alliances and...*double groan*

78 researchok  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 4:01:08am

re: #75 Destro

Funny how so many global government decision makers don't agree with Krugman.

79 researchok  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 4:02:05am

re: #77 CuriousLurker

I always like the Chess Player Party..

I mean, how original is that?

80 Destro  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 4:02:17am

re: #71 Bob Levin

I guess posting it twice isn't enough. 'Cuts' refers to budget cuts. He's trying to avoid budget cuts.

But he still wants to cut the govt. Shrink the budget when no one is looking. Just like all so called 'market forces' govts want to do. Again, that is the point. Your just being a Bibi lover.

81 researchok  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 4:03:02am

You know what else is odd?

Hardly anyone ever raises the singular best criticism of Israeli policy.

82 researchok  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 4:04:45am

Alright, one more cup of coffee but then I really do have to go

83 Bob Levin  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 4:06:30am

re: #80 Destro

But he still wants to cut the govt. Shrink the budget when no one is looking. Just like all so called 'market forces' govts want to do.

Now you're just making up the news. You've run out of negative news, you have to make it up. That's what I speak up against. And given your interpretation, your insistence that Israeli politics bears a close resemblance to US politics, you've been wrong from the beginning.

Did you see the list Curious Lurker linked to? Where would I fit in that list? Here's a hint, it's a trick question.

84 researchok  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 4:06:44am

I'm waiting to see how long it takes before anyone asks.

85 Destro  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 4:07:22am

re: #78 researchok

Funny how so many global government decision makers don't agree with Krugman.

That means what to you? They are correct over Krugman? Hey, reality does not agree with many global govts either. Doing my best Sarah Palin impression: How is that double dip recession working out for you right wing UK Torie govt? Hey Ireland, you cut the budget more eagerly than a cheerleader on prom night to please the creditors and the promised recovery is still not there. How that working out for ya?

86 CuriousLurker  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 4:08:02am

re: #84 researchok

I'm waiting to see how long it takes before anyone asks.

I asked, but it was only inside my head. Too early yet for this...

87 Destro  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 4:08:51am

re: #83 Bob Levin

Now you're just making up the news. You've run out of negative news, you have to make it up. That's what I speak up against. And given your interpretation, your insistence that Israeli politics bears a close resemblance to US politics, you've been wrong from the beginning.

Did you see the list Curious Lurker linked to? Where would I fit in that list? Here's a hint, it's a trick question.

austerity politics is austerity politics.

88 researchok  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 4:09:01am

re: #85 Destro

Yup, everyone is crazy except for you and Krugman.

No one said budget cuts were easy is easy.

89 Bob Levin  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 4:10:05am

re: #87 Destro

So you don't know. You don't even understand the list, but you're an expert on Israeli politics and policy?

90 researchok  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 4:11:26am

re: #86 CuriousLurker


Well, when you are ready, I'll tell you.

Man, I have another crazy week up ahead. Manana, maybe Tuesday in DC.

I was there last week and everyone asked where you were.

I had no good answer.

91 CuriousLurker  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 4:14:39am

re: #90 researchok


Well, when you are ready, I'll tell you.

Man, I have another crazy week up ahead. Manana, maybe Tuesday in DC.

I was there last week and everyone asked where you were.

I had no good answer.

LOL, tell them I'm hiding under my desk and won't emerge until November 7. //

92 researchok  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 4:16:07am

re: #91 CuriousLurker

Drinking good coffee and eating cheesecake, I'll bet.

Is the coffee still outrageously good?

93 researchok  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 4:21:08am

Well, at least I can enjoy this cup of coffee in peace and quiet.

94 CuriousLurker  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 4:21:14am

re: #92 researchok

Drinking good coffee and eating cheesecake, I'll bet.

Is the coffee still outrageously good?

Sadly, I'm sticking to granola bars this month, but now that you mention it, I wonder what they'd taste like drizzled with cream cheese icing? Hmm....

Absolutely regarding the coffee. I've gotten quite adept at it, however I don't use the frother as much as I used to. Now I just scald the milk (tastes every bit as good), unless I'm feeling the need to be pampered.

Oddly enough, I drink less coffee now than before. There are only so many lattes made with triple shots of espresso one can consume in a given day, heh.

95 Destro  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 4:24:01am

re: #88 researchok

You cut budgets when times are good. You borrow and spend when the ecomomy tanks. Simple.

96 researchok  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 4:26:34am

re: #94 CuriousLurker

Granola bars?

I feel your pain.

As for the coffee, I have a question- What coffee blend do you use?

97 Destro  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 4:27:01am

re: #89 Bob Levin

So you don't know. You don't even understand the list, but you're an expert on Israeli politics and policy?

I ignored your post because you are ignorable. Several people have come forward and declared you to be a serial accuser and what you accused me of you accused them of. That is kind of scumy behavior so why converse with such as you? You know the saying about arguing with the insane.

98 researchok  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 4:28:03am

re: #95 Destro

You cut budgets when times are good.

So how come no one did that?

And how come so many world leaders and their economists don't agree with you?

99 researchok  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 4:31:11am

re: #97 Destro

Let me get this straight- you're calling Bob Levin insane?

100 CuriousLurker  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 4:32:29am

re: #96 researchok

Granola bars?

I feel your pain.

As for the coffee, I have a question- What coffee blend do you use?

They're good granola bars. Homemade, so they only have stuff I really like (and I make them with a combo of honey + molasses to give them a little extra kick). But still, they're no substitute for cheesecake.

Blend? Nothing fancy, just good old Cuban Pilon.

101 researchok  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 4:34:22am

re: #100 CuriousLurker

I'll try that.

I wonder if I can get that locally.

I really, really like coffee

102 researchok  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 4:38:10am

Alright, last cup is gone.

Have a lovely day, don't fight and play nicely. Or I'll come back and kick the shit out of all of you.

103 CuriousLurker  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 4:38:58am

re: #101 researchok

I'll try that.

I wonder if I can get that locally.

I really, really like coffee

You can probably get it. If not, the site I linked to ships via UPS Ground for free and their prices are comparable to the grocery store (at least up here anyway). If I order on a Monday, I usually have my shipment by Friday—not the speediest, but I'm not gonna complain when the shipping is $0.00. ;)

104 Destro  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 4:39:07am

re: #99 researchok

Let me get this straight- you're calling Bob Levin insane?

Yea. when 2 other members say he called people anti-sem in the past out of the blue that means he has a problem.

105 Bob Levin  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 4:43:18am

re: #97 Destro

Well, I don't get along with everyone. And there are reasons. And I'm okay with that. I also say what I think. The several people you refer to--are two. Two people. There have been more. But not a lot more.

However, as clever as you'd like to sound--you've avoided the question, again. You don't understand the first thing about Israeli politics, although you are posing as some sort of expert. And whatever you analyze when it comes to Israel, and you are very free to give this expert opinion on Israel, the equation always comes out the same--that it is a nation filled with right-wing, fascist loons.

Perhaps I wouldn't mind so much if this didn't seem to be the prevailing stereotype throughout the world, a slight variation on the way that Jews have been perceived and treated throughout the centuries. The old Protocols stereotype has morphed into an anti-Israel stereotype, with accompanying genocidal feelings. And if the anti-Israel position can't hold up, because it can't withstand a presentation of the facts, then one moves the Protocols over to Netenyahu, the ultimate Elder of Zion.

In this way, little has changed. And if you stand with those nations who hold seats on the UN Human Rights Commission, I guess I have something to say to that.

106 Destro  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 4:45:06am

re: #98 researchok

So how come no one did that?

And how come so many world leaders and their economists don't agree with you?

Because they are too cowardly to admit their policies before the economic crash were failures (cutting taxes did not grow economy, etc). Maybe world leaders protect the wealthy at the expense of the poor?

Maybe in reality the money supply is so badly damaged by what Wall Street speculation did there is no more money left and they fear something worse can happen.

I honestly don't know why Keynesian policy is not being fully followed. Especially in the USA where countries are begging us to sell them bonds at so low a cost that its basically them giving us money to hold their money because they are afraid to hold on to it and we still don't take it. That is the GOP's influence but it is puzzling behavior, I give you that.

107 Bob Levin  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 4:54:15am

re: #104 Destro

And I guess you're moving the Protocols stereotype over to me. I'm not surprised, and I guess we're done. Have a good life.

108 Destro  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 4:54:39am

re: #105 Bob Levin

Well, I don't get along with everyone. And there are reasons. And I'm okay with that. I also say what I think. The several people you refer to--are two. Two people. There have been more. But not a lot more.

However, as clever as you'd like to sound--you've avoided the question, again. You don't understand the first thing about Israeli politics, although you are posing as some sort of expert. And whatever you analyze when it comes to Israel, and you are very free to give this expert opinion on Israel, the equation always comes out the same--that it is a nation filled with right-wing, fascist loons.

Perhaps I wouldn't mind so much if this didn't seem to be the prevailing stereotype throughout the world, a slight variation on the way that Jews have been perceived and treated throughout the centuries. The old Protocols stereotype has morphed into an anti-Israel stereotype, with accompanying genocidal feelings. And if the anti-Israel position can't hold up, because it can't withstand a presentation of the facts, then one moves the Protocols over to Netenyahu, the ultimate Elder of Zion.

In this way, little has changed. And if you stand with those nations who hold seats on the UN Human Rights Commission, I guess I have something to say to that.

Suddenly who ever you are conversing with and you don't agree with are accusing Netenyahu as being the ultimate Elder of Zion????

That is your justification.

Like I said, I don't converse with the mentaly ill. No point.

109 Bob Levin  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 4:57:07am

re: #108 Destro

I don't converse with the mentaly ill.

Evidently, I do.

110 Destro  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 4:57:35am

re: #107 Bob Levin

And I guess you're moving the Protocols stereotype over to me. I'm not surprised, and I guess we're done. Have a good life.

Like I said, I don't converse with the mentaly ill who fling their poo around. No point.

111 Destro  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 4:59:06am

re: #109 Bob Levin

Evidently, I do.

Talking to me after you said "we are done" is a sign of obsession, a recognizable mental condition.

112 EiMitch  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 5:54:58am

Over a hundred comments in one night? Granted, its primarily typical political/economic flame-war stuff. But still, Moshe clearly got the posthumous attention he asked for. Here's hoping good comes of it. I'd hate to think a desperate guy burned himself for nothing.

113 Skandal  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 8:27:39am

re: #112 EiMitch

Over a hundred comments in one night? Granted, its primarily typical political/economic flame-war stuff. But still, Moshe clearly got the posthumous attention he asked for. Here's hoping good comes of it. I'd hate to think a desperate guy burned himself for nothing.

Posthumous ? Moshe is, apparently, in the hospital in serious condition.

114 Prideful, Arrogant Marriage Equality Advocate  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 11:00:36am

re: #19 Destro

I don't think Researchok has ever pretended to be a left winger. We are lucky to have him here on this blog. His posts are always thoughtful. And i'm a big ole liberal!

115 Destro  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 11:03:40am

re: #114 Condescending Snotty Jaun Williams Elitist

I don't think Researchok has ever pretended to be a left winger. We are lucky to have him here on this blog. His posts are always thoughtful. And i'm a big ole liberal!

I was commenting on his dismissal of a news source for being lefty. That is not very thoughtful. Reminded me of all those cases on right wing forums were facts were dismissed if they came from the NYTimes, etc. why I left the right wing.

116 Prideful, Arrogant Marriage Equality Advocate  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 11:21:34am

re: #115 Destro

I don't like it when people dismiss news that comes from what they have deemed leftist either. However, when it comes to Israel the left has become susceptible to Neo Nazi propaganda. I don't think they realize it.
I am in no way on the side of the Israeli right, mostly because the right wing everywhere has become, how do i put this, FUCKING CRAZY!
However, Israel has a left wing as well.
The right wing of countries all over the world are just as bad as the next. Why such a focus on Israel?

117 Destro  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 11:37:39am

re: #116 Condescending Snotty Jaun Williams Elitist

I don't like it when people dismiss news that comes from what they have deemed leftist either. However, when it comes to Israel the left has become susceptible to Neo Nazi propaganda. I don't think they realize it.
I am in no way on the side of the Israeli right, mostly because the right wing everywhere has become, how do i put this, FUCKING CRAZY!
However, Israel has a left wing as well.
The right wing of countries all over the world are just as bad as the next. Why such a focus on Israel?

I said the exact same thing except about the right wing as for the left being neo nazi. I assume you meant American and world left? I find that odd that people for immigrant rights and for the poor and against death penalties are now also neo-nazis because they may come into conflict with Isreal's right wing govt. In any case the left that person dismissing was Israeli news source which he later admitted he was also a reader of and I think he was following the lead of another poster who hates criticism of Bibi and his right wing govt and views that as anti-sem as a knee jerk (he seems to just call many people that out of the blue).

I used to be a right winger and also saw it go bat shot loco on me, also.

118 SanFranciscoZionist  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 1:08:33pm

re: #21 Destro

Because I espouse left wing causes against right wing govts. Because this is an example of what happens when we get austerity like the Republians want to do here? Do you live under a rock?

We already have austerity here that would be causing riots in many other places in the world. We're used to it, as we have a long-standing social norm that says that the poor receive as little help as humanly possible.

119 SanFranciscoZionist  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 1:12:46pm

re: #62 Destro

Again defending Bibi's govt and how great it reacts in your mind.

How is this a 'defense' of the government?

120 Destro  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 1:13:32pm

re: #118 SanFranciscoZionist

We already have austerity here that would be causing riots anywhere else in the world. We're used to it, as we have a long-standing social norm that says that the poor receive as little help as humanly possible.

I think one of the things that turned me against the right wing I associated myself with (I mean GOP conservative politics) is the religious angle.

Now, I was not a religous person but because I took history as a minor in college and kept that up all my life I was well aware of religious doctrines of many faiths and of Christianity in particular. When I saw them distort Christian teaching to justify everything under the sun for the conservative cause including war and no taxes and limited govt when clearly the Christian doctrine was not saying that I kind of started to see the light taht I was in a cult not a political movement.

By the way, did we used to converse on Freerepublic back in the day?

121 SanFranciscoZionist  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 1:14:08pm

re: #77 CuriousLurker

Israeli politics. *groan*

I tried to sort that out once. The list is massive, and many parties have split off from each other and reformed under different names. Add to that the seemingly constantly shifting coalitions/alliances and...*double groan*

I just think of it as being like a telenovela, instead of politics as I understand it, and it gets much easier. Not easy, per se, but easier.

122 Destro  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 1:23:00pm

re: #119 SanFranciscoZionist

How is this a 'defense' of the government?

He actually stated he is defending Bibi's govt rather than say he is defending the concept of "Zionism" (I have no problem with Zionism seeing as Greeks, Russians, Germans, etc also have a concept that is similar and grant citizen status to their people born and raised overseas from communities that existed outside their 'homeland' for centuries. It is not in and of itself a unique concept to Israel. And it does seem to me the left wing Zionists of old actually cared about human rights and secularism being allowed to flourish as opposed to the right wing Zionists in Bibi's coalition who are to my sensibilities religious kooks and militant types).

I think I got on his radar because I saw signs that Romney and the Bibi types were trying to sort of help each other (I posted an article about Bibi's alliance Republicans being a bad thing).

123 SanFranciscoZionist  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 1:23:15pm

re: #120 Destro

By the way, did we used to converse on Freerepublic back in the day?


I've been a liberal my entire life, and aside from a certain car-crash fascination, I have no interest in the cesspool that is Freepville.

124 Destro  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 1:47:31pm

re: #123 SanFranciscoZionist


I've been a liberal my entire life, and aside from a certain car-crash fascination, I have no interest in the cesspool that is Freepville.

You have the right to say you were smarter than I was for longer.

125 Dark_Falcon  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 3:08:18pm

re: #110 Destro

Lk sd, dn't cnvrs wth th mntly ll wh flng thr p rnd. N pnt.


126 Obdicut  Mon, Jul 16, 2012 9:58:34am

re: #108 Destro

Psychology via TCP/IP is fucking dumb. Don't do it.

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