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1 researchok  Wed, Sep 12, 2012 12:21:19pm

Whatever it takes to secure the safety of American diplomatic personnel.

2 Destro  Wed, Sep 12, 2012 1:06:38pm

Why did the State Dept think Libya, especially the Islamist stronghold of Benghazi, was safe in the first place?

It was just in June British embassy vehicles were hit by a rocket-propelled grenade, which left two officers injured in Benghazi.


3 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Wed, Sep 12, 2012 1:35:29pm

re: #1 researchok

Whatever it takes to secure the safety of American diplomatic personnel.

Once again to the shores of Tripoli. Godspeed.

4 Political Atheist  Wed, Sep 12, 2012 1:57:16pm

re: #2 Destro

They never said it was safe. We have people there to support the new government and encourage democracy the right way, with diplomacy. Sometimes that costs lives. Like today.

Our people deserve the credit for working where it is not safe. Few appreciate the bravery of those with pens and persuasion instead of guns in harms way. I object to that attitude.

5 Destro  Wed, Sep 12, 2012 2:18:52pm

You what is turning out to not be a good way to foster democracy? Arming groups with Islamist sympathies to overthrow their govt. and then acting like they are freedom fighters.

6 Flavia  Wed, Sep 12, 2012 9:09:41pm

re: #3 Zionist Lord of Remulak

Once again to the shores of Tripoli. Godspeed.

Those who do not study history...

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