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1 Sheila Broflovski  Mon, Oct 29, 2012 5:05:03am

Stay dry, stay safe.

2 CuriousLurker  Mon, Oct 29, 2012 5:10:13am

re: #1 Sheila Broflovski

Thanks! I live in central Essex county, so I think we'll be okay. I live on the top of a hill, so while we may deal with some wind, I'm not worried about flooding.

3 PhillyPretzel  Mon, Oct 29, 2012 5:14:11am

re: #2 CuriousLurker

Wind and rain in Philly. I heard my downspout rattling.

4 CuriousLurker  Mon, Oct 29, 2012 5:17:45am

re: #3 PhillyPretzel

We've got nothing here so far, not even drizzle, but the sky is really dark. That's a good thing as I still need to make a tobacco, milk & eggs run.

5 Sheila Broflovski  Mon, Oct 29, 2012 5:18:59am

re: #4 CuriousLurker

We've got nothing here so far, not even drizzle, but the sky is really dark. That's a good thing as I still need to make a tobacco, milk & eggs run.

Smoking is not good for you.

6 lawhawk  Mon, Oct 29, 2012 5:28:35am

Greets and saluts from the NYC metro area. Bergen County's seen gusty winds thus far and just a smattering of rain, but things are already going from bad to worse in Southern NJ.

Apparently a segment of the Atlantic City Boardwalk has been washed away - into the center of town:

It's only going to get worse from here.

7 CuriousLurker  Mon, Oct 29, 2012 5:39:19am

re: #6 lawhawk

E gad! I lived there for a while—that's a weird sight. Nothing has ever terrified me as much as standing on the boardwalk and watching big storms come come rolling across the ocean me, with nothing between us save a few flimsy buildings.

The raw power of nature can be incredibly frightening. *shudder*

8 sliv_the_eli  Mon, Oct 29, 2012 1:29:36pm

re: #4 CuriousLurker

We've got nothing here so far, not even drizzle, but the sky is really dark. That's a good thing as I still need to make a tobacco, milk & eggs run.

I don't think I'm familiar with that recipe. Must be one of those non-perishables they keep telling us to keep on hand for when we lose power.

On a more serious note, hope all in harm's way stay safe and dry. See you on the other side.

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