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1 stabby  Wed, Jan 16, 2013 10:19:39pm

You were anticipated by the wingnuts at PJMedia yesterday.

I read them complaining about Obama inviting children on stage in thread after thread.

He was both accused of “trying to look like Jesus” and of “using children just like Hitler” in the same thread. I didn’t notice if anyone accused him of both in the same post.

2 Destro  Wed, Jan 16, 2013 11:54:53pm

re: #1 stabby

I spent time as a former member of the right and I know how they think.

3 stabby  Thu, Jan 17, 2013 12:37:24am

I would like to think that by always acting responsible, mature and patient, Obama is ruining the RWNJ’s brand. Because they simply can’t act like adults when faced with a black man and the fact that they can not get their shit together for a single moment, not a single second of non-rage, sanity, perspective, not a single millisecond of magnanimity must be a noticeable contrast to many people.

I’ve taken to framing the situation that way on PJ Media, that Obama acts like the only adult in the room and that their temper tantrums make them unfit to rule. … the only responses I get so far is their latest propaganda line, that anyone who disagrees with anything they say is a “low information voter”. Then I get banned from the threads after a few go-rounds so that they can get in the last word and pretend to have won.

4 danhenry1  Thu, Jan 17, 2013 3:28:42am

Can we possibly all slow down the world a bit? I have big time ADD so I can barely handle it..I’m the anti Beck.
I love the juxt on the children..good and evil. Are children born one way or the other? I don’t think so but who the fuck would know.
And the Far right in Israel, and the wackos over here..’hurry sundown.
Let’s be strict adherents to what the founders meant in the ‘Constitution’, and amends. You can have your muzzle loader and you must be prepared to use it in any insurrection that may endanger the government of this here country. You must use it against your countryman when told to do so by your govmint.
And here I thought we should be honoring our great but soon to be short-lived member of the old style ‘Nation-State’, by holding up our ‘Constitution’, as a modern, living, breathing document, one that brings out the Best est things that we can do to leave to the future.
What ever happened to ‘leave it better than you found it’, first ‘do no harm’, and ‘walk with me’.

5 Vicious Babushka  Thu, Jan 17, 2013 4:14:57am

Is that an actual picture of Jesus?

I think it’s fake because where’s his AR-15?//

6 Skip Intro  Thu, Jan 17, 2013 9:12:06am

re: #5 Vicious Babushka

Is that an actual picture of Jesus?

I think it’s fake because where’s his AR-15?//

I did too at first, then I noticed everyone in the picture is Caucasian so it has to be real. Light skinned, blue eyed Jesus, just like in the bible.

7 Skip Intro  Thu, Jan 17, 2013 9:15:31am

You know who else used kids as props? Every single politician in the last 5000 years.

For some reason, this picture sticks in my mind.

Image: bush_baby_helpme.jpg

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