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1 alinuxguru  Thu, Feb 28, 2013 11:57:33am

No doubt Governor Rick Snyder is an Obama-loving marxist who is seizing Detroit for the “common good”, because only a socialist would ignore a municipalities soveriegn rights and engage in such an unprecedented seizure…..

Oh wait.?!? you mean Snyder is a Republican. OK, ne’er mind then. Then it is OK.

2 Destro  Thu, Feb 28, 2013 1:00:28pm

re: #1 alinuxguru

No doubt Governor Rick Snyder is an Obama-loving marxist who is seizing Detroit for the “common good”, because only a socialist would ignore a municipalities soveriegn rights and engage in such an unprecedented seizure…..

Oh wait.?!? you mean Snyder is a Republican. OK, ne’er mind then. Then it is OK.

Putin cancelled elections of local officials and appointed apparachiks, also.

Republicans seem to like the Putin model of democracy.

3 Romantic Heretic  Thu, Feb 28, 2013 1:07:14pm

Well, democracy is sooooo inefficient. This way Detroit will become an efficient place to live.

Of course there will be a lot of people hurt, but that can’t be helped. They’ll thank us later…or they’ll be dead or in another state. Any of those outcomes works for us.

4 Skip Intro  Thu, Feb 28, 2013 4:29:45pm

re: #2 Destro

Putin cancelled elections of local officials and appointed apparachiks, also.

Republicans seem to like the Putin model of democracy.

Republicans love the model that lets them win no matter what the vote is. They’re going to spend the next three years trying to perfect it.

5 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Feb 28, 2013 5:12:00pm

re: #2 Destro

Putin cancelled elections of local officials and appointed apparachiks, also.

Republicans seem to like the Putin model of democracy.

It’s not like that, Destro. City governments exercise power at the will of the government of the state they are located in (except for Washington DC, of course). Should the state government wish to do so, it may make ‘Home Rule’ conditional or even revoke it altogether in whole or in part. Michigan has laws allowing the state government to take over the finances of a city in danger of collapse, which is what is being done here.

No polling places are being closed, and the Democrats who represent Detroit in the state legislature aren’t being kicked out. But the Motor City is drowning and has proven unable to save itself, even with state help. So now the state government is stepping in to put things to right. It’s not something Gov. Synder enjoys, but it is something he must do.

6 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Feb 28, 2013 5:14:15pm

re: #3 Romantic Heretic

Read the article, please. This isn’t some asshole takeover. It’s something that has been months in the making and is only now being done because there is no other way to stabilize the city of Detroit’s finances.

7 Amory Blaine  Thu, Feb 28, 2013 5:15:46pm

Now the state can take total responsibility. Snyder should be held accountable for this move. I want to see drastic improvement from such a drastic action.

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