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1 rosiee  Mon, Mar 18, 2013 9:14:41am

You’d send your brother to fight in Syria?
I thought you were against foreign interventions.

2 Destro  Mon, Mar 18, 2013 10:08:07am

re: #1 rosiee

You’d send your brother to fight in Syria?
I thought you were against foreign interventions.

Where did I mention any sending of my brother to fight in Syria or back intervention?

3 rosiee  Mon, Mar 18, 2013 11:10:27am

Of course you wouldn’t have to worry it’d just be someone elses brother that’d end up in Arlington.

What would you propose? Backing Assad?

4 Destro  Mon, Mar 18, 2013 11:52:05am

re: #3 rosiee

Of course you wouldn’t have to worry it’d just be someone elses brother that’d end up in Arlington.

What would you propose? Backing Assad?

A) With the number of rapes in the US Military I would not advise anyone to join at this time until the solve the rape culture there ( and B) It seems to me your policy gets Americans involved in a shooting war that will fill up Arlington with dead soldiers with no lessons learned from our past mis-adventures starting with Afghanistan in the 80s.

I bet you think the Iraq war was a good war? Just a guess and I would hate to assume. I am also curious as to why you said I would favor Syrian intervention in comment #1. Still trying to figure that out.

5 rosiee  Mon, Mar 18, 2013 3:32:58pm

What I would propose would be an Arab league force, it’s their mess and they need to start taking responsibility.

I assumed you favoured going in and stopping the FSA, am I wrong in thinking that?

6 Destro  Mon, Mar 18, 2013 6:15:46pm

re: #5 rosiee

What I would propose would be an Arab league force, it’s their mess and they need to start taking responsibility.

I assumed you favoured going in and stopping the FSA, am I wrong in thinking that?

Not really, also the “FSA” is largely a fig leaf fiction to sell to western audiences. The real fighting is being done by jihad or sunni nationalist groups.

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