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1 Joanne  Tue, Mar 19, 2013 11:14:08am

I see he has been taken into the fold of Fox NotReally News.

Perfect fit.

2 wrenchwench  Tue, Mar 19, 2013 11:24:29am

Shapiro thinks this country is fictional? Maybe it wasn’t pronounced very well, but that doesn’t make it fictional.

3 HappyWarrior  Tue, Mar 19, 2013 12:37:06pm

Dude has issues.

4 spiderx  Tue, Mar 19, 2013 1:18:39pm

Honestly, a putz like this, isn’t worth two seconds of anyone’s time.

5 Why I Never!  Tue, Mar 19, 2013 1:42:15pm

Great page. Thanks for posting.

6 John Vreeland  Tue, Mar 19, 2013 2:27:01pm

Curious. Breitbart did not believe any of the nonsense he promoted, but with Shapiro I cannot tell.

7 Destro  Tue, Mar 19, 2013 3:14:15pm

re: #6 John Vreeland

Curious. Breitbart did not believe any of the nonsense he promoted, but with Shapiro I cannot tell.

Breitbart did it for the money but he hired true believers to do his dirty work for him.

8 Aligarr  Wed, Mar 20, 2013 5:19:17am

Shapiro expresses the mentality [in its entirety] of the so called “patriot/ conservatives” of the Tea Party . Virtually ALL the authors of articles at Breibart-Land .com and Front Page Magazine are cut from the same cloth , and can take any news story and spin a diatribe against Obama , Democrats , Progressives , “the left ” around it , no matter how innocuous .
Breitbart was nothing more than a scheming asshole , but is worshiped at Breitbart-Land . So too David Horowitz at Front Page Magazine .
There is only one description for these cretins - brainwashed schmucks .
Shapirto will not crack , for no matter how many times he’s outed ,called out on lies , or smacked down in debate , the more the morons on Breitbart will cheer him on .

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