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1 Political Atheist  Sat, Apr 20, 2013 9:15:56am

Wow. What a way to lie and fail. Beverly Hills just may not need a Planned Parenthood clinic like Compton or (name poor area here). Then to take the local demographic and use is as a political weapon?! Truly outrage worthy. Great catch Randall.

2 Randall Gross  Sat, Apr 20, 2013 9:33:38am

As the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation points out in many of their videos a major factor in pulling any impoverished area regardless of race, religion, or ethnicity out of poverty and into middle class is family planning and free access to women’s health care.

3 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Apr 20, 2013 11:14:13am
“Anti-abortion activists have long accused Planned Parenthood of targeting African Americans, but a 2011 fact-check by the Guttmacher Institute, a reproductive rights research organization, showed that only 9 percent of abortion clinics are located in predominantly black neighborhoods, while 63 percent of clinics are in non-Hispanic white neighborhoods. While black women have a disproportionately high abortion rate compared to other ethnic groups, Guttmacher research shows that could be attributed to higher rates of poverty among black women and the fact that 69 percent of pregnancies among black women are unintended, compared with 40 percent of pregnancies among whites.”

Regardless of the facts, the idea that a low-cost clinic would be located in poorer neighborhood alone seems beyond the GOP.

Do they have an IQ of 12 between then?

4 majii  Sat, Apr 20, 2013 12:53:30pm

As a Black female, I’m offended by this bill and the RW legislators’ erroneous stereotypes about us. How in the hell do any of them know that any woman who chooses to have an abortion has been “targeted” by PP or any or clinic where abortions are performed? They’re pretending that because some PP Clinics are located in predominantly black areas, PP officials/workers are going out into the neighborhoods “recruiting pregnant black women and persuading them to have abortions. If they had to concoct a lie, they could have come up with a better lie than this one. We know these bitches don’t care about a millions of Americans, including us, and we know that this is another abuse of their powers. And, no, this will NOT endear republicans to a majority of Black Americans, if that is what they’re thinking. It will have the opposite effect, just as it did in 2012, most of us will vote for democrats. I don’t think deciding to have an abortion is an easy answer for any woman, and it’s too bad that RW legislators in states around the country lack the sense/compassion/critical thinking skills to realize it.

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