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1 sffilk  Wed, Jun 5, 2013 11:08:23am


2 euphgeek  Wed, Jun 5, 2013 12:55:04pm

re: #1 sffilk


He just doesn’t know what went wrong.

3 majii  Wed, Jun 5, 2013 5:55:53pm

Yes, this bloviating, homophobic, bigoted, racist, wannabe Mr. Big Stuff but Ain’t Shit, nut was on the city council here in Macon, and he was so extreme that even some republicans were ashamed of him, and that rarely happens here. I was surprised at some of the comments written by republicans that expressed their happiness that he had decided not to run for reelection for his seat on the city council. He talks a good game, but he’s one of the biggest cowards in the country. This can be verified by watching his interview with Megyn Kelley when she challenged him on his misogynistic comments about working women and he tucked his tail between his legs, unable/unwilling to defend his previous comments.

4 subterraneanhomesickalien  Wed, Jun 5, 2013 10:27:05pm

Quite a chilling comment from the article…

gm555 on Jun 4, 1:15 PM said:
@Jaydee: We resent that everything our ancestors built is denigrated and destroyed by PC whites and minorities. Scores will be settled when the civil war comes.

Read more:

If you don’t think these lunatics mean you harm, you’re fooling yourself.

These are the people that the party of Lincoln caters to.

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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