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1 elizajane  Mon, Jul 29, 2013 8:33:47am

Of course, in the same interview he was quickly slapping down any suggestion that the church might change its stance on ordaining women which is just nuts — they need to get with the times on this, and on marriage for priests too. However, he did make some noises about being more lenient about divorce. And the statement on gays is a huge step in the right direction.

When this pope washed the feet of a Muslim woman earlier this year, it was clear to me that he was something new. I look forward to further developments.

2 JeffFX  Mon, Jul 29, 2013 10:25:17am

re: #1 elizajane

Of course, in the same interview he was quickly slapping down any suggestion that the church might change its stance on ordaining women which is just nuts — they need to get with the times on this, and on marriage for priests too. However, he did make some noises about being more lenient about divorce. And the statement on gays is a huge step in the right direction

That kind of reform is very difficult because most religious people don’t understand that it’s all a show put on by people. They actually believe their rules came from a God.

Try to reform and the marks will think the reformer is rebelling against an actual god. Best case they fragment the religion. Worst, the reformer is killed by their once-followers.

3 FemNaziBitch  Mon, Jul 29, 2013 11:15:01am

Notice he didn’t mention gay women?

SSDD —nothing will change. The Men in the Church will not concede power. They will just secure their position in a manner which suits them best.

Frederick Douglass

4 Political Atheist  Mon, Jul 29, 2013 11:38:32am

re: #1 elizajane

Reform by inches if at all. I have a little hope, but only the Church can decide it’s policy and therefore fate long term.

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