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1 missliberties  Wed, Nov 20, 2013 10:52:58am

Every man should be able to choke his girl friend, break her stuff and point loaded guns at her head. Said Sean Hannity, discussing the beautiful freedom agenda of the right.

2 CriticalDragon1177  Wed, Nov 20, 2013 11:12:36am

re: #1 missliberties

Good thing I know you’re being sarcastic, otherwise I’d be horrified, but yeah, that’s the kind of person people like Hannity and Jack Cashill are idealizing. Frankly it makes me want to vomit.

3 Timothy Watson  Wed, Nov 20, 2013 11:30:13am

re: #1 missliberties

Even more ironic given Sean Hannity’s theme music.

4 Skip Intro  Wed, Nov 20, 2013 11:38:45am

Ok, so poor George is just an innocent victim, being played as a patsy by gangs of angry Femi-Nazi women.

So what makes him a hero? Beating a murder charge? Divorce? Being broke and $2.5 million in debt with no job or income?

All of the above?

Apparently George has achieved hero status in the hate radio/hate blogosphere universe solely because he walked away scot-free after murdering a N***Clang.

5 Bulworth  Wed, Nov 20, 2013 12:07:12pm
WorldNetDaily’s Jack Cashill is now writing a book

Wait, I think I see a problem….

6 BusyMonster  Wed, Nov 20, 2013 12:38:06pm

George is a sniveling chickenshit coward, who probably punched his own face after shooting an unarmed 17-year-old kid. His moral justification for shooting this unarmed kid seems to have been that he was in grave danger of being humiliated.

When I was a kid, I was menaced by a bully coming home from school, who had a fake gun that he threatened me with. The scariest part of that was realizing he was going to find out where I lived. I hit that motherfucker across the face with my star wars lunchbox and ran like hell. And from where I stand, Zimmerman needs a serious, like 10-15 hour humiliation, an egg-pelting that never ends, and several good, hard punches to his punk-ass bitch face.

I guess I just put Zimmerman in the place where my old bully used to go, and saw a 100% fit. Coward, chickenshit, asshole. Dirtbag. Scum. Loser.

The kid who terrorized me I later learned was one of those dumb-fucks who would do anything you told him, and apparently he had attacked me because some even littler chickenshit wanted him to. It was not surprising to learn about what a fuckup loser Zimmerman is after hearing his initial story.

Yes, I’m venting. And yes, I’d happily bust Zimmerman’s ass just to make a point.

7 Skip Intro  Wed, Nov 20, 2013 2:18:34pm

A little more info about RW superstar George Zimmerman from his new ex-girlfriend, where George removes all her stuff from her house and sends a sex pic to her little girl.

But soon, Scheibe said her relationship with Zimmerman decayed as he fought bouts of depression. She said she feared him, but said she stayed with him because she thought she could help him.

By the end of October, Scheibe said she demanded that Zimmerman get professional help for depression. She claims that in response, Zimmerman moved all of her furniture, clothes and food out of her Seminole County home.

“She’s scared is the bottom line,” Scheibe’s mother, Mason, wrote in a text message.

Scheibe and her mother started to seek interviews with national media outlets. Mason said she hoped by Scheibe doing the interview, she would force Zimmerman to get help - and the attention would keep Scheibe safe.

“Things have gotten hotter on her end. He has shown up two times already today to her house, so we need to make a move sooner than later so she stays safe,” Mason wrote in a text message.

But soon after, Scheibe said she and Zimmerman apologized to one another, and he moved the furniture back in.

But Scheibe said the relationship continued to be volatile. She said at times she feared for her life, and other times “everything was fine.”

After one argument with Zimmerman, Scheibe said she went to her mother’s house to get away from him.

While there, Mason said Scheibe’s daughter received a text message from George Zimmerman. Mason said that message was a still image from an intimate home video of Scheibe and Zimmerman.

“He’s now threatened her in writing and even sent a portion of the video to her baby girl,” Mason wrote in a text message.

Man of the Year stuff at Breitbart, Fox News, and WND.

8 Dr. Matt  Wed, Nov 20, 2013 2:25:01pm

Murderer, racist, misogynist, pornographer, and perhaps a pedo. Clearly he has all the attributes of a right-wing hero.

9 Skip Intro  Wed, Nov 20, 2013 2:37:22pm

re: #8 Dr. Matt

I made the error of reading the comments at the clickorlando site, and have discovered that Obama is the one at fault here, followed by the evil lying bitch and her lying bitch mother.

George has a lot of fans among the wife beater community.

10 theheat  Wed, Nov 20, 2013 2:41:01pm

If any of his ladyvictims had a gun when he hit them and broke their shit, who would be the hero now?


Note to women: stop participating in videos having sexy times with creepy guys. Just sayin’.

11 Dr. Matt  Wed, Nov 20, 2013 2:58:56pm

re: #9 Skip Intro

I made the error of reading the comments at the clickorlando site, and have discovered that Obama is the one at fault here, followed by the evil lying bitch and her lying bitch mother.

George has a lot of fans among the wife beater community.

Of course. Who’s fault could it be? Remember, they are the party of personal non-responsibility.

12 nines09  Wed, Nov 20, 2013 3:11:13pm

So I presume that when he kills again he’ll have a statue of his weasel ass erected? Right Wing hero. Just goes to show how completely screwed in the head they are. Stand proud Wing Nuts. Your God awaits you.

13 RadicalModerate  Wed, Nov 20, 2013 4:14:31pm

So, now Jack Cashill jumps into the race-baiting authorship for WND.

Was their resident white nationalist Colin Flaherty just not available this time?

14 majii  Wed, Nov 20, 2013 8:13:47pm

re: #13 RadicalModerate

Nope. In Right-wing World, the true race-baiters are Revs. Sharpton and Jackson, Sr., and anyone else who wants justice for all Americans. When those like Cahill, Corsi, and others praise killers like George Zimmerman, it’s not race-baiting, it’s only them working to preserve white, heterosexual male Christian dominance, and these individuals’ God-given right to kill whomever they want to kill and escape punishment, cause, see, it’s the way they think things are supposed to work in their country.

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