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1 nines09  Fri, Mar 7, 2014 11:12:33am

He’s a symbol of what he complains about. Inept and duplicitous not to mention arrogant and wrong.

2 palmerskiss  Fri, Mar 7, 2014 11:25:22am

re: #1 nines09

He’s a symbol of what he complains about. Inept and duplicitous not to mention arrogant and wrong.

he has become a total caricature of himself…

3 Skip Intro  Fri, Mar 7, 2014 11:28:46am

What is this missing “robust marketplace” these people keep railing on about? Maybe we don’t have one anymore because huge corporations keep buying all of their competition up.

Latest case in point: Albertsons parent Cerberus is buying Safeway for more than $9 billion

This means every single grocery store in my county, sans one tiny store, will be owned by the same company.

Meanwhile, Comcast is buying up Time Warner.

Then there’s Staples, along with Office Max and Office Depot who, after driving every single mom and pop stationary store out of business, are themselves being pounded into the ground by Walmart.

And try finding a drug store not named CVS, Rite-Aid, or Walgreens.

This is RW take no prisoners capitalism at it’s finest, so WTH is O’Reilly bitching about? This is exactly what people like him want..

4 mechanic  Fri, Mar 7, 2014 1:09:37pm

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness,
for they will be filled.

We know O’Reilly doesn’t like the Pope because the Pope puts mercy ahead of money but, apparently, he doesn’t think much of Jesus either because “we have elected politicians who favor social justice over a robust marketplace,”…

5 William Burns  Fri, Mar 7, 2014 4:12:44pm

If Bill O’Reilly doesn’t like it here, he can go to Russia!

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