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1 palmerskiss  Apr 13, 2014 1:25:48pm

maybe someone can point out to me how denying a group of people the same rights as everyone else simply because they are gay, is not a form of “supremacy of sexuality”, however, those seeking EQUAL RIGHTS to everyone else, is a form of supremacy.

People say- calling out this kind of idiocy, and making the point that it is in fact idiocy, illogical, and nonsense, is unkind, or lacking in virtue.

I disagree - pointing out just how stupid these arguments are, and by extension those who make them, in support of bigotry, hatred and oppression, is exactly the virtuous thing to do.

2 calochortus  Apr 13, 2014 4:09:33pm

Aside from the previously mentioned fact that equality ≠supremacy, I’m guessing this guy is white.
Generally one does not ask the people in control for an honest answer about whether they should be running things.

3 sauceruney  Apr 13, 2014 4:17:15pm

If anything, they’re “straight supremacists” asserting superiority over people they see as abominable. Thanks for the framing, Judson!

4 HappyWarrior  Apr 13, 2014 7:00:06pm

Remember the Tea Party only cares about fiscal issues. And what a pathetic asshole to liken gay people wanting to be treated equally under the law to white supremacists. Fuck you Judson Phillips.

5 gwangung  Apr 13, 2014 7:28:03pm

Yes, I’m sure a white person can PERFECTLY judge just how horrible white supremacy (which is still ongoing through policy and culture) is.

6 LadyeCatte  Apr 14, 2014 8:36:07am

I found Mary Baker’s “article” disgusting in every way, and had to ‘join’ Tea Party Nation just to give her a piece of my mind about it.

Even if the Kansas shooting hadn’t happened just three days later, her commentary is bigoted, full of lies and an insult to every Black American who shed blood and gave their lives just so she could have enough freedom to be this damned stupid in public.

7 palmerskiss  Apr 14, 2014 11:45:34am

re: #2 calochortus

Aside from the previously mentioned fact that equality ≠supremacy, I’m guessing this guy is white.
Generally one does not ask the people in control for an honest answer about whether they should be running things.

she is in fact an african american lady.

8 palmerskiss  Apr 14, 2014 11:46:26am

re: #6 LadyeCatte

I found Mary Baker’s “article” disgusting in every way, and had to ‘join’ Tea Party Nation just to give her a piece of my mind about it.

Even if the Kansas shooting hadn’t happened just three days later, her commentary is bigoted, full of lies and an insult to every Black American who shed blood and gave their lives just so she could have enough freedom to be this damned stupid in public.

thank you!! give them a piece of your mind!!!!!

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