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1 Rocky-in-Connecticut  Sep 13, 2014 7:39:59am

When I was a teenager and not interested in politics I noticed repeatedly that Republicans were always in favor of policies and limited people’s ability to vote, and Democrats were alway in favor of getting as many people to vote as possible.

It was and is a common unspoken rule amongst Republicans that it is OK and ethically sound strategy to try and limit people’s ability to vote. Which is why I also noticed that Ethics was something Conservatives throw out the window as a first option in order to advance their agenda. In fact, doing away with Ethics IS their agenda.

2 Tigger2  Sep 13, 2014 8:20:38am

Hell the investigation is probably more of a fraud.

3 nines09  Sep 13, 2014 8:41:28am

Freedom. Liberty. Justice. Rule Of Law. Voting Rights. Womens Rights. Civil Rights. GOP.
What one is not like the rest?

4 ausador  Sep 13, 2014 2:02:51pm

re: #2 Tigger2

Hell the investigation is probably more of a fraud.

Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott got away with doing it so why not?

Announce an investigation, seize all the records and computers, sit on it for a year and then quietly dismiss the whole thing. Only Abbott had an armed swat team storm the office in full body armor instead of issuing a subpoena.

Of course after a year the voting registration group was dead and gone anyway because the accusation of misconduct dried up their funding. So it was a nice win-win for the Republicans, no more minorities being registered and no more group trying to get them to.

All perfectly legal and on the up and up too! *spit*

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