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1 Eclectic Cyborg  Jan 22, 2015 11:08:37am

And these are the same people outraged about the so-called Muslim no go zones.


2 Romantic Heretic  Jan 22, 2015 11:26:08am

Oh yes. Those people.

A person who had been a friend on Facebook linked to their Facebook page with the standard complaint, “Where are all the moderate Muslims? Why don’t they say anything?”

When I pointed out the Muslims criticizing the jihadists she defriended me. They do hate when reality intrudes on their delusions.

3 No Country For Old Haters  Jan 22, 2015 11:27:30am

Did he not get the memo that the UK is post-Christian?

I assume he went bonkers as the people around him grew out of their childhood superstitions, and he was left as a member of the slow-on-the-uptake still-religious in 2015 crowd. He has more in common with the Muslims he hates, than with the average secular Brit.

4 No Country For Old Haters  Jan 22, 2015 11:28:26am

re: #2 Romantic Heretic

Oh yes. Those people.

A person who had been a friend on Facebook linked to their Facebook page with the standard complaint, “Where are all the moderate Muslims? Why don’t they say anything?”

When I pointed out the Muslims criticizing the jihadists she defriended me. They do hate when reality intrudes on their delusions.

Wingnuts are completely addicted to hate. You can’t reason with an addict, and they react poorly when denied their fix.

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