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1 HappyWarrior  Jan 22, 2015 11:09:59am

I think Larry’s going to be a hit. I liked him on the Daily Show and I think the Nightly Show will get him some recognition.

2 Sionainn  Jan 22, 2015 12:24:17pm

I haven’t liked Bill Cosby, the person, since my brother told me what he witnessed at a high school track meet in about 1985. My brother was standing behind Cosby and another man. Cosby was loudly making fun of a chubbier runner who was in last place. My brother said it was loud enough for the kid who was running to hear it. That’s an awful thing to do and only an awful person would do that. So, do I think Cosby is the type of person who could do the things that these women accuse him of doing to them? Oh, you bet I do.

3 CriticalDragon1177  Jan 22, 2015 4:46:07pm

re: #2 Sionainn

So there were signs he had a dark side, even before any of these shocking allegations came to light?

To be fair insulting a fat kid, is hardly equivalent to sexually assaulting, or even raping someone.

4 Sionainn  Jan 22, 2015 6:17:18pm

re: #3 CriticalDragon1177

So there were signs he had a dark side, even before any of these shocking allegations came to light?

To be fair insulting a fat kid, is hardly equivalent to sexually assaulting, or even raping someone.

He made himself out to just love children and was just so nice to children and he wasn’t. He was ugly and mean. If one can be ugly and mean and make fun of a child, I can believe that they could sexually assault/rape a woman. No problem.

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