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1 Great White Snark  Jun 16, 2015 2:13:08pm

Apologies I had clipped in way too much and since removed some. Do hit the link for the whole thing it’s worth it.

2 Khal Wimpo  Jun 16, 2015 2:28:40pm

The inevitable result of the relentless pressure on middle managers to show 10%YOY growth, when given no actual resources or freedom by which to grow revenues, introduce better products, improve marketing, etc. etc. The only solution: cut staffing to the bone. Then force people to work more while earning less.

Frickin’ evil.

To anyone currently serving time in the bowels of Corporate America: you have my sympathies.

3 Romantic Heretic  Jun 16, 2015 6:24:04pm

I really like Nick Hanauer.

First, he actually is a capitalist. He actually risks his own money. If he guesses wrong he loses that. Unlike the executive employees who just think they’re capitalists. Those people don’t risk a damned thing.

Secondly he realizes that his wealth gives him power and with power comes responsibility. He could, like many of his peers, just use that power to get more power. Instead he uses his power to help the nation and everyone in it.

Well done, sir.

4 FemNaziBitch  Jun 17, 2015 2:02:10am

an ounce of prevention?

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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