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Patricia Kayden  Dec 3, 2015 • 6:33:30am

This is beyond shocking. This should be front page news everywhere. Dothan probably isn’t the only city where this is happening. Agree completely that it’s great that good police officers spoke up about this injustice.

The DA and all cops involved need to be prosecuted and imprisoned for setting up so many innocent people. It’s obvious they have no consciences.

Decatur Deb  Dec 3, 2015 • 3:31:58pm

I’ve been sitting on comments for a couple days, gathering info and scanning the ads for autoloading shotguns (the Barak BR99 is nice.) This is hometown news. Here’s the upshot:

The local press deepsixed this for more than a day— the first publication was the Chief of Police challenge below. (It’s truthy but fundamentally bullshit.) He cannot walk away from SCV membership and that flag, even if the SCV was a good bit more benign in those years.

The Henry County Report blog might be breaking a real story, but it is a mildly paranoid site with muckraker delusions.

I’m getting no vibes from friends in the community.

This will not go away—the SPLC is backing it and there are some very interesting national megaphones close to it.

Nothing short of a federal investigation will restore any confidence in our police.

The_Mess  Dec 3, 2015 • 4:19:14pm

re: #2 Decatur Deb

Thanks for the added info, I was pretty sleep deprived (gogo stinking hot NZ nights) so did fact check this well enough :/ Derp.

Case in point - Jon Carroll doesn’t actually say which neo-Confederate group the officers belonged to, which matters due to the specific beliefs and actions each group have done past and present. Nor is there a link to this specific case on the Alabama Justice Projects website.

However, the documents do make it clear that mishandling of evidence occurred and this occurred over 2 years or more.


Not that this from the SPLC helps:

The_Mess  Dec 3, 2015 • 4:31:29pm

Edited to add in the stuff Decatur Deb brought up.

re: #2 Decatur Deb
btw, here’s hoping it doesn’t turn violent :/ Last thing the USA needs is more race riots being twisted by FOX and the right wings racist paranoia etc.

Decatur Deb  Dec 3, 2015 • 4:32:45pm

I don’t mean to dismiss it—The National Enquirer gets lucky every now and then. There are questions that must be answered, especially about the District 20 District Attorney. His involvement makes the complaints believable. If they prove bad, it’s very bad—one of the flagwavers is in a powerful position in state government and the police chief of that time has moved on to teach Criminal Justice at a local college.

Nate Silver has touched on the story, but his link provides no new info.

Dark_Falcon  Dec 3, 2015 • 8:35:32pm

re: #2 Decatur Deb

OT, but related to something you mentioned:


Long story short: It’s an excellent semi-auto shotgun, but you’ll need to replace the factory sights. Be advised that the BR-99’s resemblance to AR-type rifles can cause people who don’t like such rifles to DERP at you.

Decatur Deb  Dec 3, 2015 • 8:48:16pm

re: #6 Dark_Falcon

OT, but related to something you mentioned:


Long story short: It’s an excellent semi-auto shotgun, but you’ll need to replace the factory sights. Be advised that the BR-99’s resemblance to AR-type rifles can cause people who don’t like such rifles to DERP at you.

That was a riff on the vulnerability of people here—I’d rather not have to upgrade from a pump. We are starting to see either a calmer reassessment, as in the defense lawyer’s statement below, or a redeployment of the Old Guard. I’ll know in a week or so.

(The Turks are into good small arms—I’ve had more than enough of them pointed at me during inspections of their shared facilities.)

The War TARDIS  Dec 4, 2015 • 7:23:40am

Something really sad, this is literally straight out of Family Guy

Family Guy Minority Suspect Hulu Mobile Clips

Our satire isn’t even satire anymore.

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