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CuriousLurker  Jun 16, 2016 • 1:25:15pm

In-freaking-credible. I just… *smh* This is one of the reasons I won’t pay for subscriptions to any newspapers online.

Your captioned photo suits him perfectly.

Sir John Barron  Jun 16, 2016 • 1:58:24pm

Good dog, why would the NYT let Dreher write a column for them? The man’s institutional. And why would Benedict Option Dreher want his column to run in any paper, let alone the NYT?

Aunty Entity Dragon  Jun 16, 2016 • 2:26:25pm

re: #2 Sir John Barron

Dreher gives away the game with this:

We also believe that a society that loses that vision of sex and marriage courts disaster, and that the advance of L.G.B.T. rights means a corresponding loss of religious liberty — hence our activism and our voting.
This won’t end well. Wars of religion never do.

Classic projection.

sagehen  Jun 16, 2016 • 6:20:27pm

This massacre is the most perfect example ever of why legal marriage is so very important to gay people. At a time like this, your relationship isn’t about “what’s in your heart”, it’s about who the hospital recognizes as next-of-kin.

wrenchwench  Jun 17, 2016 • 9:44:17am
whitebeach  Jun 17, 2016 • 7:48:00pm

Self-righteous jerks like Dreher, and conservatives in general, think that the inability to force their beliefs on others means that they are being denied the right to hold those beliefs. This viewpoint is especially absurd and hypocritical when it comes from a man who makes his entire living blabbering about his beliefs in books, on TV and radio, and all over the Internet, as Dreher does. Fuck him and all who sail with him.

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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