incanus  May 20, 2008 • 7:04:35am

This is a huge story! Be sure to read the KSTP story as well.

Share with your friends, local news media, etc. Perhaps we can shed some light on these peaceful people living among us.

simonml  May 20, 2008 • 8:55:50am

I hope they don’t get away with any of this. A publicly funded Madrassa in the US? Assault? Pretty obviously illegal on both counts.

jihadnemesis  May 20, 2008 • 10:34:09am

Yes, I’m glad Charles picked it up. Hopefully the MSM will pick up on this story. This is the type of thing mainstream America needs to be made aware of. When they are, the people of America will reject this PC crap, just like they rejected amnesty.

shibumi  May 20, 2008 • 2:55:23pm

This video and story was actually carried on one of our local tv mornings show in Detroit. I suspect other tv outlets might pick it up, because it’s an issue that deals with them directly- having their crew assaulted by someone.

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