1 RadicalRon  Jan 22, 2008 8:26:39pm

How about a study showing how many times the AP’s lied?

2 pat  Jan 22, 2008 8:45:30pm

another AP lie. Yawn.

3 gman  Jan 22, 2008 8:49:26pm

The study was put together by the Center for Public Integrity and the Fund for Independence in Journalism which both profess to be non- partisan. In fact, the Center for Public Integrity has been given several grants by Soros.

Be prepared for a lot of these pseudo- scientific studies this year as Soros exerts his considerable influence. He is also linked to the report today about military recruits having fewer high school diplomas and coming from lower income households. That report was produced by the National Priorities Project, a “non-partisan” Soros- funded group.

4 Demandrel  Jan 22, 2008 11:19:54pm

The problem with this article is it presumes dishonesty, rather than incomplete information on the part of those speaking. If the people who work for me convince me of a fact, and then I tell that fact to my boss or my constituency, I am not lying, but I am certainly misinformed. Stating that it is dishonest is presuming intent. No organization that was actually independent would presume to know the motivations of political actors.

5 redc1c4  Jan 23, 2008 1:36:41am

i could post the collection of Dem quotes i have on this subject, but i think it runs farther than the character limit allows…..

suffice to say various leading lights of the MSM party said similar things, in & out of power.

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