1 Shiplord Kirel  Aug 30, 2008 11:51:31pm

“Hell hath no fury….”

Keep it up, nutroots, and spend the next four years wondering what went wrong.

2 mineral  Aug 31, 2008 12:08:23am

Many of their comments over there are just, uhh, evil. While some commenters seem to have some morals, many seem to be saying that the ends justify the means.

3 addison  Aug 31, 2008 12:10:17am

re: #1 Shiplord Kirel

“Hell hath no fury….”

Keep it up, nutroots, and spend the next four years wondering what went wrong.

If they lose, they’ll know what went wrong:

1. Racism
2. Diebold

The possibility of outright losing because Americans might think voting for someone who speaks non-stop platitudinous pablum and took as a father figure a racist anti-American anti-Semite is, well, foreign to them.

4 yochanan  Aug 31, 2008 12:47:55am

the more worried the left is the worse the crap will be.

this just proves John McCain hit it out of the ball park with the selection of Gov’r Palin.

5 LemonJoose  Aug 31, 2008 4:02:14am

The Democrats still have more than 2 months to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Pursuing this story may well prove to be how they hang themselves. Even it it somehow turned out to be true, they’ll just end up looking like asses for bullying the VP nominee’s teenage daughter. Far more likely, though is that the story turns out not to be true, and the Dems look like utter asses for taking it seriously and promoting it.

6 TIgger  Aug 31, 2008 7:00:52am

How idiotic can this get? Down syndrome is a genetic problem. The baby is conceived that way, and lack or presence of prenatal care doesn’t enter into this at all….
The Democrats worked long and hard to prepare a generation or two of semi-educated people who can believe anything they want. I don’t think there is another developed country in the world where a stupid rumor like that could gain any credibility or even be uttered by a person with college education (like Colmes.)

7 Edouard  Aug 31, 2008 8:24:46pm

The left in this country is clearly full of total freaking morons if running down this laughable fantasy is how they choose to waste their time.

Lots of people were present when her water broke, Democrats and Republicans alike. I hope these people get interviewed so they can laugh with scorn at the wide-eyed fools who believe this shyte.

OH, how I dearly hope that these “pregnancy troofers” continue to energetically and loudly pursue this idiotic story throughout the remainder of the election. Bring it on, wackos!

More Americans will then see how full of insanity the left in this country truly is.

8 libertexian  Sep 1, 2008 6:14:33am

They’re not stooping. That’s where they live.

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