My 2 Cents  Jan 29, 2008 • 2:29:26pm

Dr. Hanson’s essay is satire. If read by a typical reporter for the MSM, it would no doubt be interpreted as non-satirical commentary, for it is not especially different from the deas that the US State Dept has promoted for decades, and which are parroted by the MSM. If Dr. Hanson keeps writing like this, the State Dept may even offer him a job, while all the while not even realizing that he is being satirical.

Sunlight  Jan 29, 2008 • 5:08:42pm

Satirical? Sarcastic?

dmh0667  Jan 29, 2008 • 9:16:25pm

Excellent article, Sabraguy! I was about to drop this link, when I saw you already had. KolHaKavod!

Skemo  Jan 30, 2008 • 7:45:31am

I always enjoy VDH, his grasp of foreign affairs is immense.

Colin Nelson  Jan 30, 2008 • 8:49:09am


Based on my certainly incomplete knowledge of other modern conflicts where land was lost/won, Israel is the only one on the front burner on two fronts: it is repeatedly referred to (even by Pres Bush) as an ‘occupier’ and Israel is the only sovereign state that the UN demands give back land won in the various wars that attempted to eradicate the Jewish facts on the ground.

Try this thought experiment: if Israel had lost in 48/49, 67. 73, would the UN or anyone else be demanding that the winners return the land to the (previously) sovereign state of Israel.

Thought so.

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