Biff  Sep 28, 2008 • 7:20:30pm

Because the MSM won’t do it, and McCain didn’t in the last debate, it is up to Sarah. If she can do it, if she can tell America, convince America, how the Democrats, including Biden and Obama, and certainly Dodd and Frank, knowingly let the system fail, and are now trying to claim credit for the save, she and John McCain will win.

Peter Verkooijen  Sep 28, 2008 • 7:40:20pm

McCain is losing the election because for whatever reason he won’t get into the real causes of this mess. He’s blaming Wall Street, being defensive, playing around the edges, letting Obama and the Dems in Congress of the hook. It’s frustrating to watch.

Peter Verkooijen  Sep 28, 2008 • 7:56:56pm

Also see page 22 of the “discussion draft”, in brackets:

ø(A) 65 percent shall be deposited into the Housing Trust Fund established under section 1338 of the Federal Housing Enterprises Regulatory Reform Act of 1992 (12 U.S.C. 4568);

Housing Trust Fund = ACORN, La Raza, etc.

Peter Verkooijen  Sep 28, 2008 • 7:58:14pm

Oops, wrong thread

CJW  Sep 28, 2008 • 8:03:18pm

And the fact that the Dem leadership has kept all discussions behind closed doors, rather than be transparent as they said they would be before they won the November 2006 elections, shows they are feeling mighty guilty or at least running scared that they will be found out. They may well be past feeling guilty for anything at this point.

Biff  Sep 28, 2008 • 8:23:01pm

The only thing I can figure is that he considers Dodd and Frank old friends, and has feelings of loyalty to them even though they are on the other side and sticking it to him at every chance. He better snap out of it soon, or at least let Sarah take the lead on this.

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