
Marine Le Pen-Geert Wilders Alliance

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)9/17/2013 1:25:51 pm PDT

You don’t have to be sorry at all here CL, it drives me crazy too. The rise of Eurofascism is something that we have to watch for and it’s even madder when we see supposedly mainstream conservatives giving creedence to LePen, Wilders, and the others bullshit just because the aforementioned oppose radical Islam. You being a Muslim know as well as anyone that you don’t have to be a bigot to see the dangers of radical Islam. These people are dangerous and it’s even more fucked up that Wilders uses the language of someone concerned about Israel and the Jewish people while he makes pattycake with the daughter of one of France’s biggest Antisemites.