
Harry Shearer in Nixon's The One - "Nixon Prepares to Resign" Excerpt

Skip Intro8/09/2014 9:08:09 am PDT

Rush Limbaugh praises Richard Nixon, which is odd because to RWNJs like Limbaugh Nixon would be considered a flaming liberal today.

The point I’m making is that Nixon, for the betterment of the country, threw himself on the sword. Now, I know a lot of you people are saying, what do you mean?, he quit because he knew he didn’t have a chance, he quit because he was gonna, he was gonna be found guilty and he was going to be living in exile. Maybe — but Richard Nixon, nevertheless, is an example of somebody who deferred ultimately to the Constitution, rather than put the country through the kind of chaos that would have ensued. It’s a small example but it’s one of the first that comes to mind.