
Charles Barkley: We never talk about race until something bad happens

cinesimon12/03/2014 2:08:18 pm PST

“We never talk about race until something bad happens”
That is so bizarre. And reflects someone who clearly doesn’t have any connection to reality. Until something bad happens that pricks the consciences of just enough white people, maybe.
But dark skinned people are targeted every day, across the country. Not to be killed, but certainly not because they’re respected as equal citizens.

But Charles Barkley is to be admired, because he has black skin and is going against the grain, apparently. He’s not politically correct! SO brave!
Regardless of his overt disconnect with the world most dark skinned people live in. Still, he makes white people feel comfortable. That’s what really matters.

Love his cherry picking of the ‘not black enough’ nonsense. Yeah a few idiots say that. Including many right wing white supremacists. Therefore most black people do it!

And the victim blaming! SO brave. Yeah targeting black people is the fault of the black people. He really has fallen for the comfortable white supremacist line. I wonder if he’s even aware of the numerous stats and studies that disprove his theory that black people are more likely to be criminals?