
Hilarious Short of the Day: Macaulay Culkin Is Back, and He's Seriously Pissed Off

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus12/17/2015 6:20:39 pm PST

The cascade of stupid continues:

Backlash over lesson about Islam leads to Va. school closings

Extra-curricular activities have been cancelled tonight and schools will be closed Friday in a western Virginia school district after the district received “voluminous phone calls and electronic mail” over a high school teacher’s use of an Arabic statement in a geography lesson.

According to Augusta County Sheriff Randy Fisher, news of Riverheads High School teacher Cheryl LaPorte’s lesson on Friday, Dec. 11, brought a deluge of “profane” and “hateful” messages from around the country.

Those messages, he said, led to the decision to lock down Riverheads High School Wednesday and Thursday — meaning “all doors were locked and monitored” once students had entered the buildings. Security was also increased at other county schools, Fisher said.
