
Former Mexican President Vicente Fox to Trump: "Stop Lying!"

Skip Intro8/31/2016 10:57:20 am PDT

Charles Pierce explains the obvious to us. Too bad the media doesn’t do obvious.

If you ignore the fact that Trump has now completely abandoned almost every principle and position that helped him win the Republican nomination for president, and if you ignore the fact that he’s squeezing in the visit between California fundraisers and his big immigration speech in Arizona—so it’s unlikely there’s going to be much time for serious violations of the Logan Act—this is a spectacular piece of campaign vaudeville designed to fool not the rubes in the country who are going to vote for him anyway, and not even the mushy Republicans who are seeking some reason—any reason!—to vote for their party’s nominee, although they’re important, too.

No, it’s primarily aimed at the suckers in the elite political press, some of whom, I guarantee you, will fall for this malarkey because…optics! He has a gift for dominating the news cycle! And all this on a day in which ABC and the Post are tootling the call to the post because of their new poll showing that Hillary Rodham Clinton is as unpopular as Trump is among likely voters. Whee, kids! As Fred Caposella used to say, the crowd is moving closer to the rail and that can mean only one thing—it is now post time!