
Video: Seth Meyers on the Women's March and the Government Shutdown

ipsos1/22/2018 6:18:11 pm PST

I’ve been going back and forth tonight on social media with friends - some of them IRL friends - who are taking the idealistic approach and declaring themselves “done” with the Democratic Party and so on.

Me, I’m a pragmatist and not afraid to say so. I think there was just only so much leverage a party in the minority could muster. And so the question I keep asking my friends is: “What else could Schumer and company have done in the real world? What would you have had them do that would have gotten you something that, right now, painfully, just isn’t going to happen given all the power mustered against it?”

There doesn’t seem to be a good answer to that. Which sucks. But it just means we have to keep fighting harder with whatever power we actually have - and more so, whatever power we can pick up in November.