
Tigran Hamasyan - 37 Newlyweds (Official Video)

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷10/13/2020 10:18:52 pm PDT

Fuque Trump for creating this cadre of wingnuts. Anyone here still on Terrorbook should report this group to get them removed.

Grand Island Public Schools’ mask policy questioned at meeting (Grand Island, Nebr. Independent)

Grand Island Public Schools’ mask policy was front and center during the Board of Education meeting Thursday night.

Parents expressed concerns about the district’s policy mandating that all students and staff members wear masks and the need to adjust the policy. The parents are a part of the “No Masks GI” Facebook group. At least one parent outside the group supported the district’s mandatory mask policy.

Shree Arends said she hoped the board could “have an open mind and heart to hear our concerns for our children and community.” She asked the board to consider giving parents a choice on whether their students wear masks at school.

“We live in America. We deserve a choice to wear a mask or not wear a mask,” Arends said.

Shorter wingnut: We live in America. We deserve to infect your children and kill the teachers.