
Seth Meyers: Southwest Airlines Contradicts Fox News, Says Chaos Not Caused by Vaccine Mandate

Joe Bacon ✅10/13/2021 7:01:16 pm PDT

Vaxman posts yet another antivaxxer nurse who kicked the bucket.

And it’s someone who lived in…Texas.

Chalk up another kill for Greg Abbott!

Natasha Tiner, 35, Troup, TX. Registered Nurse, against vaxx and mandates. Dead from COVID.

According to this obituary, Natasha died on October 12, 2021. She leaves behind her husband and 4 school aged children. She wasn’t a wild-poster of anti-vaxx memes and information, but as you’ll see we have evidence she was against the vaccine and particularly the mandates. Her husband however, was a wild-poster of anti-vaxx memes.