
WATCH LIVE: White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki vs. The Press

No Malarkey!3/07/2022 11:37:20 am PST

From previous thread: re: #480 No Malarkey!

Its one thing if Zelenskyy voluntarily makes such concessions, but if he were going to do that, he would do it now to prevent more bloodshed and destruction. There is no way he will grant official recognition to the dismemberment of his country once the Russian army is disintegrating. I am sure that Biden will not pressure Zelenskyy to surrender Ukrainian sovereignty. First, Biden has character, and second, appeasing a dictator at the expense of a heroic ally is extremely bad optics; it would provoke a storm of outrage. I would bet my bottom dollar there will be no NATO pressure on Zelenskyy to grant official territorial concessions to Russia to end the war.