
The Bob Cesca Podcast: Never Mind the Death Threats

Dangerman10/24/2023 11:37:28 am PDT

re: #78 Florida Panhandler

None of the New Testament was written by actual Apostles. The books of the New Testament were written by 3rd party accounts decades after the character of Jesus was supposed to have died. Many Christian cults had sprung up during this time and differing accounts competed for attention and scholarship.

The fact that contemporary accounts of the character of Jesus are non-existent during the time he was accounted as being alive serve as a disturbing for those believe out of pure faith that he indeed existed. The Rabbinical authorities as well as Romans were notorious for their record keeping and accounting of various rabble-rousers and trouble makers. The Jesus as described in the Bible appears nowhere in official documents, the “historian” Flavius Josephus gives accounts of Jesus and well as John the Baptist, but again, he only documents tales told to him by 3rd party stories decades after the fact and was never an eyewitness to any of these events or characters.

Read Misquoting Jesus
The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why