
The Fearless Flyers: "Bank Account" (Ft. Louis Cole)

Targetpractice12/08/2023 8:36:19 pm PST

re: #139 Belafon

The Texas Supreme Court temporarily blocked a Dallas-area woman’s abortion late Friday night after a judge permitted the procedure in an emergency hearing only a day earlier.

Attorney General Ken Paxton petitioned the state’s highest court to stay the lower court’s ruling in one of the first lawsuits brought by a pregnant person seeking an abortion since the state banned the procedure in nearly all cases after the fall of Roe v. Wade in 2022.

The Supreme Court said it will weigh in on the case when the justices have more time to consider it, according to the court filing.

In other words the “temporary” part is total horseshit, they can slow-walk this disaster until she’s dead or rendered infertile, then shrug their shoulders and mumble something about the “the wheels of justice” while Paxton smugly tells the aghast public that he was just “enforcing the law.”