
Suppresed EPA Report

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus6/30/2009 2:23:07 am PDT

First, this “report” belongs under Politics, not science.

Secondly, while M. Malkin and her fans, the WUWT armchair scientists, and the like have been trying to make hay with this issue, the substance of the report is of dubious value and the fans of this type of stuff are really going out on a limb.

For example, cited several times in this report is the astrologer Theodor Landscheidt. Sorry, but serious modern scientific articles don’t base their work on the proposals of astrologers!

Secondly is the heavy use of the political (as in, not scientific) web sites such as WUWT, and the proclivity of the report to use the non-peer reviewed posts on such blogs, rather than actual peer-reviewed papers in the geophysical and general science journals. Indeed, the report seems to go out of its way to avoid the actual scientific literature.

Additionally, the report makes references to such questionable sources such as the one and only “Lord” Monckton and his notorious letter to the APS forum, which was openly mocked here on LGF.

In fact, the authors of that report went through quite a selection of propaganda sources such as the discredited Fred Singer, the Heartland Institute and the like.

As such, the report results in being nothing more than a collection of the various arguments from the “denier” camp. It is not a scientific document and would be laughed out of any serious scientific process such as a true peer-review.

Indeed, the authors of the report have conducted themselves in a most unprofessional manner.

So all of you who want to go and up-ding this report (and it has been posted several times now at LGF), note that you are buying into a document that is pseudo-scientific, and just plain wrong.