
HRW researcher has a thing for Nazis

Frank N Stein9/08/2009 12:10:57 pm PDT

Wow. His nick is Flac88 - 88 is often used by neo-Nazis/Nazi sympathizers to represent HH - Heil Hitler. See here and here.

From Wiki: “Eighty-eight is used as code among Neo-Nazis to identify each other. H is the 8th letter of the alphabet, so 88 is taken to stand for HH which in turn means Heil Hitler. For example, the number is used in the song “88 rock’n’roll band” by the neo-Nazi group Landser. The late convicted Order terrorist David Lane wrote “Fourteen Words” and 88 Precepts, and the numbers are often found in combination (1488, 14/88, etc.). This form of the number has inspired the naming of the groups Column 88, Unit 88, and White Legion 88.”

So his grandfather fought for the Nazis, he’s obsessed with Nazi memorabilia, has 88 in his nickname and he’s ferociously anti-Israel. But it’s all just a coincidence, I’m sure.

Any chance someone in the MSM will pick this up and investigate it further?