
Thomas Sowell goes Godwin (and more!)

iceweasel6/25/2010 12:08:18 am PDT

Brilliant. I posted on this on Tuesday (yours is better). And this:

There are probably some at LGF who still are enamored with Mr. Sowell. But look at this short essay of his… Hitler, Lenin, Gold, Czars… it is a cornucopia of ODS.

Is Sowell, who used to write more scholarly stuff, in such need of attention that he now has to write material that is derivative of Glenn Beck?

I offer up this essay by Sowell as evidence that the far right wingnuts have indeed poisoned the well of American policy discussions and have sucked in even those who once were thought of as mainstream conservative intellectuals.

Exactly. And sure enough, the only comment I got (afaik) was someone defending Sowell.
He’s written some extremely insane stuff about Obama.