
Report claims most oil still in Gulf | POLITICO 44

1 10:33:25 am PDT

I don’t know enough about this stuff to say that this report is bogus, it may not be.

But I do know enough about the anti-OIL folks to know that this report should be taken with a grain of salt, and additional reading and research done before it is accepted as absolute truth.

Much of the oil has evaporated, that is absolutely true. Studies have shownthat in the type of conditions that exist in the Gulf, a whole heckuva lot of oil can indeed evaporate; and that there exists in any body of water ways that nature will “naturally” handle oil that regularly seeps from natural seepages.

So … I would, frankly, be leery of any report saying it’s ALL gone; and any report saying oh no, it’s ALL still there. I believe it remains to be seen, but at the current time, things look like they’re going as well as could be expected.